So... no one out there seems to want to show their "true love" for me; no one has (as of yet) bought me LJ for another year. I tell you right now, if I have to buy this for myself, I'm going to be very cross... very cross, indeed.
Okay, enough of the empty threats. Here's more of what you don't want: Useless information!!
On the Second Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Two Turtle Doves,
and A Partridge in a Pear Tree.
Streptopelia Turtur, also known as the Turtle Dove, is an increasingly rare bird autochthonous to parts of England. However, they often like to frequent the Northern parts of Africa during the winter months. Buying a pair of these slight creatures will cost you $20 a bird. Tack that on to the second Partridge in a Pear Tree -- remember, you bought one yesterday, too -- and your running total comes to a whopping $145 for the Second Day of Christmas.
Having fun yet? I know I am.
Total Cost of Christmas so far (2 Days' Worth): $105 + $145 = $250. Just wait 'til tomorrow. Things are going to get a lot more fun, then.
Happy Easter!