On the Eighth Day of Christmas...

Jan 01, 2006 12:22

Well, we're done with the birds and the rings -- well, technically, we're not, but still... on to the humans!!

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Eight Maids a-Milking;
Seven Swans a-Swimming;
Six Geese a-Laying;
Five Gold Rings!
Four Calling Birds;
Three French Hens;
Two Turtle Doves;
and A Partridge in a Pear Tree.

Eight Maids a-Milking: Well, ignoring the cows that they will undoubtedly be milking (lest they milk sheep or goats instead), the cost of these maids is minimal... very minimal. Minimum wage, actually. That's right, each maiden will only make about $5.15 an hour for her efforts. Yikes for her; yay for you.

Now, to calculate the cost, we'll assume that each of these maids milk for only an hour...
1). Eight maids a-milking: $41.20
2). Seven Swans a-swimming: $4200
3). Six Geese a-Laying: $300.
4). Five Gold Rings: $325.
5). Four Calling Birds: $400.
6). Three French Hens: $45.
7). Two Turtle Doves: $40.
8). A Partridge in a Pear Tree: $105.

Whew! It's starting to get a little crowded in the old house right now. The cost of the Eighth Day of Christmas? $5459.

Eight Days of Christmas later: $14034.
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