"Well, I never! Snow in August!"

Nov 30, 2006 12:20

Er, November. But in Texas??? Yes, indeedy! And baby, it's cold outside.


I have pictures, but I'll have to wait to share them until I'm on a faster computer. The last time it snowed I was 6 years old. Long time no see. :)

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Comments 3

miss_elisabeth November 30 2006, 17:37:12 UTC
Yay! It snowed here as well - not quite as rare, but still, very exciting since it stayed for FOUR days! Usually it melts and rains within 12 hours.


lanamichelle November 30 2006, 17:54:56 UTC
Fun! How much did y'all get?

We're supposed to get some sleet and snow tonight, which would be amazing for me since I've never really seen that. Hehe. :)


themegchild December 1 2006, 00:29:24 UTC
Well, the last time it snowed in the Houston area you were six. I'm pretty sure the Dallas area (and further north and west... heck, probably east too... just not those of us in the southernmost parts of the state) has had snow between now and then. ;) BUT I know what you were trying to say. I'm just in a um... contrary mood (too much work and no play makes Meg a very annoying person. ;)).

Hey, did I hear right that we'll be seeing you and your most excellent husband at the ball (in less than two week! AH!)?


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