Yes, a real update!

Jan 11, 2008 11:57

Gosh, it sure has been a long time since I have updated! And I thought that life would be slow and boring after I got married. Maybe I married the wrong guy for that to be the case! :)

Oh, my, where to begin? It seems like so much has happened since I wrote last, and yet I can't remember what I have or haven't written about! Let's see...

We continue to live in our little trailer (or maybe I should say "trailers", as we have several *nod to Mr. Collins*). It's 28-feet long and very cozy, especially since we have an older one right behind us in which to store various and sundry items. Living in the trailer has been great for me, especially, since I have to stay on top of organization and cleanliness all the's clean one minute and a disaster the next! That's the joy of living in a place where two socks and a shirt on the floor make it look like a disaster area. :)

But we're building our house! Praise the Lord! It may seem like a really long time that we've been working towards this, but it doesn't seem that like long now that we've started. We were originally approved for our loan in May, by Frost Bank (which is our "regular" bank), but they ran into a little trouble with our property. Apparently, when Wesley's parents had refinanced 5 years ago, they had specified that they wanted the majority of the property to be free of a lien and they instead put a lien on their house and 5 acres. I guess someone at the mortgage company didn't understand, since they lien remained on the whole property undetected until we started the loan process. Then the lady at the bank called Wes up and said, "Well, you're good to go once you clear up that lien on your property."

Excuse me? Lien???? It was the first we'd heard of it! So, we scrambled around to find out which mortgage company had the documents (you know how it gets bought out by another that gets bought out by another...) and when we found them, they were on their way to a document storage facility in Arizona!! Wes called and practically begged them find the documents, which they agreed to, but it took several weeks to even locate them, let alone the time it took for them to send them to us. We were a little nervous, because the we only had until August 7th to close on the loan and the documents weren't here.

They arrived on August 8th. Hrm.

But by that time we were really grateful, because we had discovered that we did NOT want to work with Frost Bank. The lady there took her time about everything and was really not very helpful. We switched to another bank that Wesley works with in real estate and they got us closed in about 2 months! We signed documents and paid the largest sum of money we've ever paid on November 7 to begin work on the house. It's been a wild ride since, but loads of fun! :)

To see pictures of the house process, check out my Facebook:

Amongst all of this, we've still be attending church at the fabulous Heritage Covenant Church in Weatherford and loving every minute of it! It's wonderful to grow with people and truly feel as though they are your family. We have been through our ups and downs together, but the Lord is so faithful to His people. I praise Him for His constant watch-care of us!

I am still teaching piano, but only to a few students. It's hard to teach when you don't have a place of your own to teach in, but that will be remedied soon. :) I plan to try and find some local students once the house is complete and they can start coming to me, rather than the other way around.

The sewing is still coming along well, although I'm taking many fewer orders until the house is finished. My sewing stuff is set up in the apartment that my in-laws have behind their house, so it's a bit of a jog up there for me to work. But it was wonderful to have in the summer--it had an a/c, which my "second" trailer didn't have! I did two weddings in 3 months and that was exhausting. I'm grateful to have some time off!

Wesley is still working at the real estate office in Benbrook and doing fabulously! He's such a great Realtor. :) All of his clients and his boss love him, and I can totally understand why. The Lord has blessed me with an incredible husband and I love him more and more everyday. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Oh, and I can't forget to mention the other part of our little family: Nickel! He's my cat, in case you forgot. (How could you???) He's my constant companion and the sweetest little guy that ever there was. I wuvs him.

So now you're all caught up on my life! My days now are spent cleaning, cooking and making boatloads of decisions about the house. I have my double wall oven and cook-top (thanks to a scratch and dent sale--they're awesome!) and my bathroom (complete from Craigslist at a REALLY great price!), so now I get to choose paint colors, floor color, windows, doors, trim, faucets, ETC!! It's a little overwhelming, but I'm enjoying the process. And I still find time to read a lot, knit, take walks and hang out with my adorable husband and his family. Life is good.

I'd love to share pictures here, but I already uploaded them to facebook. So, look there! :) If you aren't a friend, I'll be sure to remedy that situation. And if you don't have facebook...poor you. :)
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