Okay, just to recap, here are all the entries received during my contest! (if there were multiple entries from one person, i picked my favorites from among the choices)
If i get any more before midnight, i'll add those, and then i'll announce the winner at 12 sharp! or as sharpish as i can get...
Here is Bchan's entry, unknowingly submitted by her when she just happened to send me a card for Val day. but hey... how could i NOT put this in the running?
Here is Doug's entry, and it definitely gets points for originality!! no cute fluffy animals, instead it is clever and witty and pun-tastic! wonderful entry, Doug!
Chris's entry, and the one that started the contest idea, this proves that even gamers can be romantical. and we rock at it, too! good job, chris.
From muh favorite Rob in the whole wide world, i get the cutest kitten imaginable, made cuter by the outfit! A definite favorite for the win, we'll see if the tide turns in the upcoming hours. Rob also gets bonus points for sending me a link to Link's Valentine's day quest, which is both cute AND fun! you are a tough competitor, Rob!
Briggs' entry, and quite possibly one of the cutest kittens + bad grammar pics i've ever seen in my life. it also kinda goes with the whole Val Day thing, with the heart stealing. this one will definitely be hard to top. Also, Briggs ALSO gets bonus points because he brought me an irl valentine (don't worry, no unfair advantage, though), and he wore a shirt that made me giggle (WTB Love, PST... World of warcraft geeky hilarity!)
VIPP love is very powerful, and so is the sentiment from a guinea pig! although the pic is blurry, the trained eye (i.e. me) can definitely tell that the ball of fuzz is none other than our love child, spike. so clever to throw our love child into the mix, jen! i'm watching you!
One of three entries by jim, and the first bunny of the mix! anyone who knows me well enough knows my love for bunnies, and this one is one of the cutest i've ever seen. throw in some bad english and a little spread eagle humor, and you've got one hell of an entry.
The second in the "jim" series, this one just screams "lara!" not only does it have a cute fluffy kitty, but it employs electronics into the mix. not to mention i'm always entertained by the motivational poster ripoff. a very powerful multiple entry, this one is.
Jim's third entry (sorry, wiewel! he got it in first), it's definitely going along with the strangley impromptu zelda theme. only downside: kitty's not wearing an outfit. hmm.
Ooh, Treish, honey. I think it's TOO cute, even for this contest. but you get points for prettiness, and thoughtfulness! thanks a bunch, treish, i'm so glad you thought of me on Val day!
Wiewel, i will let this one speak for itself. It's just so cute, it DOESN'T NEED WORDS!!!
My mom's card that i received IRL for Val day! thanks mom!
Lookie what i got from Nate! He called all the way from texas and ordered it for me, and had it delievered today. the flowers are the exact same arrangement that he got me on my 17th birthday (12 red roses with one white one in the middle), and the bear's name is mr. sookie. I love it very much, but it has to be disqualified because it's more touching instead of cute, and it would be an unfair advantage to the people who found stuff online.
Okay AS I WROTE THIS i got another entry from Doug. I think he found that the cute kitten approach is key in this round, and so he gives me not only kitten cuteness, but gamer related!! very sneaky, doug. but very SMART!
Stay tuned for the winners! I might be going to the Ritz tonight with jed, so i'm not sure if i'll have the results at EXACTLY midnight, but please check back tomorrow morning if i don't have them up tonight right away.