Hi guys, I'm feeling kinda at a loss, Dawn-wise. I really don't know whare totake the story, cus Dawn's just kinda there, without a plot. If you have any comments or suggestions as to where I can take Dawn from her(Where do we gofrom here? ::swelling music::) they will be DUELY appreciated.
I made this icon in honour of the occasion, whatcha think? (Borrowed the base but added the text.) I can't do fancy stuff like transparency so it'll have to do! :D
Hey Kelli, I used a bit of your post, hope you don't mind - thought it could be like when Angel and Buffy had shared dreams. Good for continuity anyway! And Katie, I thought it best to assume that Spike's already seen Andrew, but if you don't like anything I wrote, please do say and I'll change it.
First entry in the post_sunnydale RPG has been posted...though it's not very good work. Go check it out, but no hurry to start posting your own yet, Feel free to start whenever.
Hiya, Everyone! Okay, We have a plot, we have characters, we all know each other, Can we start already? sorry, Patcience is SO not my virtue. Lotz of muv xoxo, Dawn