I had a suite of terrible dreams last night. First, I got the most beautiful cat and took him back to my rental here. Problem is, he wasn't neutered, so I was desperately trying to keep him from getting at my roommate's un-spayed cat. I kept locking him up in places where he didn't have a litter box or water and freaking out because of it. And he STILL kept getting at my roommate's cat because she kept leaving the doors open. Frustrating dream.
And then horrible dream! I was back at college with some of my classmates and we were giving a tour to this couple and their daughter, and this couple came pre-armed with some rigorous questions they had gleaned from a This American Life episode. They kept badmouthing the school (and for some odd reason) I was trying to defend it (even though I know it sucks). Every time I'd try to jump in to answer a question, they'd say something about "Oh, the youth today always so impolite! Blah blah . . ." This wasn't the horrible part.
The horrible part was when I finally gave up and sat down at a computer to watch a news video. It was about a scientist who was tragically killed. He was swimming in a small, glass tank with a large tortoise under anesthesia. He was about to do a surgical procedure, and when he made the first incision, this horrible eel-flatworm-like thing swam out in a cloud of inky stuff and went right up the scientist's nose. A voiceover was giving a blow-by-blow of what was happening and how the eel thing was going up to his brain or possibly heart. The scientist floundered for a bit and then seemed to blow off the whole thing and got back to work. No sooner had he done this than he had another attack of panic as he was presumably dying. He crawled up a ladder in the side of the tank until he was above water. He said "MAMA!" (The voice over said he was hallucinating) and then threw himself over the edge of the tank. It turns out this tank was at the tippy-top of a huge water tower and he plunged head-first to his death.
Then I had a dream about a convention of people dressed as Naruto ninjas. That might have been worse.