I'm not exactly a fan of slash fiction (that's a longer discussion for another day), but in the midst of rewatching
Season One of Star Trek: The Original Series--with its euphemistic talk of "thinking with your glands" and "unusually strong female drives"--I couldn't help but notice that certain pieces of dialogue seemed closer to homoerotic innuendo than I had previously remembered.
That may just be Pride Month talking, but either way, I give you:
Top Ten Unusual Slashy Lines (TOS Season One Edition)
[N.B. For the purposes of this list, "unusual" means that I didn't include any Kirk/Spock lines in the mix.]
Kirk/Christopher: "Feel free to look around, Captain. Don't touch anything, but I think you'll find it interesting."
Kirk/McCoy: "He's all yours, plum."
Kirk/McCoy: "Sometimes, pain can drive a man harder than pleasure. I'm sure you know that, Doctor."
McCoy/Kirk: "That's a boy, keep it up. Work up a little sweat, it'll do you good."
Kirk/Kirk: "I have to take him back inside myself."
Spock/McCoy: "I had a very strong reaction. My first sight was the face of Doctor McCoy bending over me."
Scott/Kirk: "Any way we do it, it means a mighty rough ride."
Kirk/McCoy: "He wants to get me down there, afraid I won't swallow it."
Cogley/Kirk: "I could get you off." followed by "You can pull out if you want to."
...and the most unusual slashy line of the season:
Landru/Kirk: "Landru is gentle. You will come."
This may yet become a (semi-)regular feature, depending on what Season Two has to offer...