Happy Valentine's Day
Love is in the air! Well, depending on who you ask. Bitterness could be, too. Whatever feeling has you gripped this Valentine's Day, Eddie Spinola has a party for you: a slightly V-Day-themed cocktail and dessert party to break in his new
apartment. There are no decorations (and barely any furniture), so he's provided a plethora of
tasty treats as well as an open bar for all your
drinking needs. And no, you don't actually have to know Eddie to show up. Bring a date, bring some friends, bring anyone you like as long as you're ready to have a good time! Happy Valentine's Day!
[ooc: Thread-jacking an intermingling are encouraged! You don't have to wait on me to chat up others! And feel free to play to anyone! Multiples are welcome, too! Action or prose tags are fine, I'm not picky. As this is an open post, please try to keep things at a PG-13 rating. If they venture beyond that, please take it to private journals.]