Firstly I would like to return to the Sirius thing. The second time around it sort of looked like Bellatrix' curse was deflected/shielded somehow. There was, at least, some strange disturbance in the air in front of Sirius as he was "hit". If anyone could confirm or refute this, that'd be great.
And again with the bad acting from Emma. I guess that, apart from the ineptitude, it's just really horrible characterization. She apparently believes (and the director is probably not innocent, either) that Hermione needs to be wound up all the time. She portraying her in a state of chronic exasperation. Emma? Ar-ti-cu-late. The ability to not fuse words together by talking too fast is your friend. (Yeah, yeah, I'm one to talk. Shut up.)
And, GOD, ditto Michael Gambon. His portrayal of Dumbledore is, as I said before, abysmal. Dumbledore is calm, like, nearly all the time. Stoic. And he's always polite and not seldom a little smug. He smiles softly, he speaks quietly. He does not snap and sneer and act like an arsehole. Period.
And the kiss. Augh, the kiss. I actually had to close my eyes this time, because of the ick. I'm not even kidding, I really couldn't stand looking at it. Shudder. I'm kind of nervous about the HBP movie. What if Rupert proves to be equally distasteful and I miss half the movie?
The scene where Umbridge catches the trio in her study as they're about to floo. The editing there was really strange, what with the others (Luna, Neville, Ginny) suddenly materializing in the room and the random Malfoy line of "I caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl". Yes, I know the movie was really long, but if they had to shorten that scene to that extent, then they should have just come up with another way to explain L&N&G's presence. Perhaps the DVD extra material will fill in the blanks.
Having Percy in the movie was, I guess, a nice shout-out to the fans, but like in the case of Tonks, I was mainly just disappointed. It wouldn't have taken many seconds to add a little background, but instead Percy just becomes this random redhead Ministry henchman with no real connection to the story itself. Why don't they think ahead, they'll need him in HBP! And poor Chris, he didn't even have any speaking lines. I guess they had blown their budget. I'm surprised Tonk even got to open her mouth. ::mutters::
I'm sure I'll come up with more but the book looms too close now, I'll be overwhelmed. Perhaps after getting over reading it.