Dec 11, 2011 17:40
At pre2ent, II have an exce22 of tiime and liittle iin whiich two occupy iit.
Due two my current 2tatu2, opportuniitiie2 two engage iin exploratiion are liimiited.
2ugge2tiion2 would be met wiith gratiitude.
needs a hobby,
most engaging post ever
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Ok not really, he's mostly bored right now.]
However, II can e2tiimate iit ii2 very iin2iigniifiicant proportiionate two the human2 iin thii2 locatiion.
A peaceful race would have great diiffiiculty iin makiing iit2elf domiinant.
IIn2tead, perhap2, the mechani2m that draw2 iindiiviidual2 here ii2 more clo2ely attwoned two your 2peciie2.
You mean the damned coral, right? Tch. Who knows. [But it is food for thought here.] Or it's dragging whatever is the dominant species in the universes. Which would be humans.
You have made me curiiou2.
How large ii2 the Earth Empiire?
And how do you 2ugge2t your 2peciie2 ii2 not peaceful?
You just have to look at all the damned wars that have happened. [Does Pokeworld have wars... The again, given that it's implied that Lt Surge was in a war.... Granted, to a troll, those probably look like squabbles.] Most of them over stupid, petty shit, too.
And that's on the surface.
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