La folie continue....wee!

Feb 18, 2007 21:17

Well, since I have writer's block, and a urge to be creative somehow (thought the two couldn't mix, but it seems they can), I shall pollute my LJ with random (and useless) thoughts! Yay!

You know, sometime we live nearby little gems, be they shops or restaurants, we pass in front almost eveyday, but we never really see them, nor go inside. Well, I' ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

themadpuppy February 19 2007, 02:55:29 UTC
C'est le fun d'écrire dans le LJ:) En tout cas moi j'aime bien lire les pensées diverses des gens.

Un thé au chocolat blanc?*_* Ç'a l'air super. Et le salon aussi!

JE SCORE! *bonheur* *je t'aime aussi* *câlins* *amour éternel*. Encore que, je compte dégoter un Norrington pour ta fête l'année prochaine, alors D'Arcy est mieux de se tenir prêt.^_^x.

Et attends mercredi. Fred, ce bon Fred, vit des histoires d'amour dignes des opéras de Wagner. J't'en dis pas plus, je sais que ta curiosité est déjà piquée;).


psionicknight February 19 2007, 03:08:25 UTC
Oh oui tu scores, je suis totalement conquie!! Mais attends pour le Norrington, après le troisième film il se peut que j'ai envie de brûler mes DVDs (en fait, J-A m'a fait promettre de m'acheter des copies pour les brûler, car lui veut garder les siennes).

"Fred, ce bon Fred, vit des histoires d'amour dignes des opéras de Wagner"

J'en salive déjà. ;)


edge_of_night February 20 2007, 02:51:38 UTC
That thé sounds divine! We don't have any places like that around me wait, take that back, there's this place in the mall near where I work and they have really terrific teapots. I tried their caramel chai and it sounds odd, but it was vedy goooood.
Lately, around campus, I've been trying different places to eat. Little 'hole-in-the-wall' shops...they turn out to have the BEST food! So huzzah for trying new things!

I want to go see 'Starter for 10', too! Have you seen 'The Last King of Scotland' with our Mr McAvoy yet?

I think I should have sweet dreams, too if I got to look at James biting his thumb (I know exactly what picture you're talking about!) and "Sexy Beat" Bale!


edge_of_night February 20 2007, 02:52:55 UTC
LOL! How about "Sexy BEAST" Bale instead of the "Sext Beat"??


psionicknight February 20 2007, 22:37:11 UTC
I tried their caramel chai and it sounds odd, but it was vedy goooood.

Yeah I know, I have some back home!

Have you seen 'The Last King of Scotland' with our Mr McAvoy yet?

Er, no. To be quite frank, I have heard of him before, without actually seeing him, and it was only when I saw his face on that I realized what a charming thing he was.

LOL! How about "Sexy BEAST" Bale instead of the "Sext Beat"??

Don't worry my dear, I swear I had written Beat too the first time. But that's okay, since everything about this guy is sexy (God, his voice, his voice), his beat probably is too ;D.


edge_of_night February 24 2007, 02:00:08 UTC
It's hard to go back and watch Chronicles of Narnia now and see McAvoy as Mr Tumnus!! lol Especially after watching Last King of Scotland, which was a great film, by the way...he has several movies coming out in addition to the starter for 10 one, too so he'll be everywhere you look soon! the Christian Bale stuff at the end.


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