Name/Nickname: Mezi
Age: 18
Astrological sign: Aries/Metal Horse
Height: 5'4"
Describe your personality: I'm stubborn, impatient, and headstrong, my mind gets moving faster than my mouth sometimes, and I talk with my hands because it's just not going in any order coherent to anyone but me. People keep telling me I wear my emotions on my sleeve, but I don't really know that I believe it - people rarely call me on it when my emotions are at any sort of extreme, so I'm thinking they aren't really as obvious as people seem to think.
Would you prefer to be rated as girl/boy/doesn’t matter?: doesn't really matter
Have you rated 3, 9, 27, or 81 members? Please post the links:
There was only one app to vote on.
Hobbies: band (Marching, Jazz and Concert - clarinet and alto sax), drawing, reading, webdesign, video games, sewing, roleplay, and of course generally hanging out.
Likes: music, movies, reading, chocolate, cosplay, all the things that go along with being a band geek and putting on a show, being busy, sleeping
Dislikes: stupid people. Pointless things, wastes of time, ignorant people. Being shoved into the deep end of things with not a thing to cling to.
Strengths: sometimes I'm a perfectionist, I'm self-reliant, I'm told I'm empathetic, I've got the common sense to be shown something and figure it out, I'm stubborn as hell when it comes to proving my worth
Weaknesses: I'm stubborn, headstrong, bossy, and a bit too moody. I don't do well under pressure (although if there's enough of it, it has the opposite effect of making me step up and prove I can do it), and I have a horrible problem with forgetting to return phone calls. Deadlines aren't too fond of me either.
Favorite color: blue, purple, silver and black
Favorite animal: cat, I suppose?
Is the glass half empty or half full?: It's just half a glass.
Are you a leader, follower, or loner?: Definitely not a follower - somewhere between a leader and a loner. It depends on who you're trying to get me to work with. If they're intelligent, I tend to act as a leader. If they're stupid, I get frustrated and just work on my own.
Are you gung-ho or are you a tactician?: Depends, again. Sometimes you have to be gung-ho, although I think more often than not I'm more of a tactician. Unless you get me mad.
Are you shy, outgoing, or in between?: Most of the time, outgoing.
Are you mature or immature?: Mostly mature, I think. Immature when I'm around people I trust not to look down on me for it.
If you could have any wish granted what would it be?: I wish I could go anywhere, anytime, and just be there. Teleportation?
What is the one thing you would change about the world if you could?: I'd put all the stupid people in a different section of the world, so they can just kill each other out - our race is getting stupider because we're stopping evolution, not letting the most idiotic members of society wipe themselves out. We're muddying up our gene pool, guys.
Do you believe in the good or the bad in man?: They're both in there.
How do you feel about mistakes?: If you try hard enough, you can usually make up for it. Usually.
What is your weapon of choice?: Wit.
What is your dream occupation?: Rule the world, baby.
If you could have anything in the world what would it be?: I'd be ruling the world, because THEN, I could have whatever it is that I eventually decided on (I can't make my mind up right now, hopefully I would by then :3)
Anything eles?: No?
Pictures/Describe what you look like in detail (two sentences at the very least):
On the left. Don't ask what that face was all about XD
Again, I'm on the left.