got so bored I did something

May 19, 2005 05:16

200 question thingy... I got bored and got it from Crystal, And now it doesn't take up alot of space, thank you Jesus

1. Nicknames? D and Psuedoninja, I'm only called D or my real name, and only 3 people only really call me D
2. B-day: May 17, 1984, I turned 21 on Tuesday ^^
3. Age: 21
4. Sex: Male, but sometimes I act more girl
5. What time is it? 5:27 am
6. Where do you live? Colorado
8. Siblings and their ages? 1 older brother(25) 1 older sister(23) and 1 younger sister(19)
11. Righty or Lefty: righty
*********YOUR LOOKS*********
12. Hair color: Brownish
13. Eye color: Blue-green, somtimes more blue sometimes more green.
14. height: 5'9
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses, but I want to get laser eye surgery
16. Do you have any piercings? nope
17. Where do you want more if you do? maybe an eyebrow ring
18. Do you have a tattoo? I want 3, but I don't have any right now
20. Do you wear any rings? nope
21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? not really
**********JUST LATELY***************
23. How are you today? not to bad, kinda tired, not wanting to do homework, but I'm ok.
24. What pants are you wearing right now? my older brother's old pants that I stole from him cause they are so comfy
25. What shirt are you wearing right now? my hoodie
27. What does your hair look like at the moment? kinda long and shaggy, and I need to take a shower -_-
28. What song are u listening to right now? Sublime-Sancho, its on the radio
29. Freckles or none? none on me
30. How is the weather right now? It looks like it will be a beatiful morning, its nice and cool and not many clouds in the sky, the birds are chirping and I just want to go to sleep.
31. Last Dream you can remember? I know I dreamed last night and the night before and the night before, but the most recent dream I can remember is from a bit ago. Charlette was in it and throughout the whole dream I did nothign be hang out with her. And it was a good dream
32.Who are you talking to right now? Secruity Guard
************More about YOU!*****************
35. What are the last four digits of your phone number? numbers
36.Do you like the person that sent you this? I took it from crystal and she's nice, but hasn't answered my calls or talked to me for a bit :P
39. How do you eat an Oreo: I used to eat them dipped in milk, but now I spread some peanut butter on it and its awesome
40.What makes you happy? Video games, Good friends, Living and Pot
42. What's the best advice ever given to you? if its not broken, don't fix it
45.What are your future goals? Stay in school, and hopefully date Charlette, I like to only look at the immediate future
47.Worst sickness you ever had? French Polio, I lost the nerve endings in my arm and legs for about a summer, best summer ever
48. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? I've done quite a few, but not doing homework is the stupidest
49. What's your favorite memory? So many of those, especially lately, So any memeory of hanging out with my sister is always good
50. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Motivation
51. Where do you shop the most? King Soopers
52. How many kids do you want to have? one day I would like to have 4, its the best number to have.
53. Son's name: No idea, but my first born's middle name will be Caution
54. Daughter's name: Again with the above
55. Do you do drugs? I smoke pot, thats it
56. Do you drink? not as much, but I still do
58. What sport do you hate the most? Baseball
59. What are you most scared of?
school...friends...proving people who doubt me that they were right
60. How many TV's do you have in your house? 1
61. Do you have your own? the 1 we have is mine
63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Not really, but I do ahve a giant Bedtime Carebear
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractered a bone? My arm was broken when I was little
67. Who's the loudest friend you have? Whitney
69. Is cheerleading a sport? not really

*************YOU and LOVE************************
72. Do you believe in Love? yes, but I don't think its what people think it is
73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? no
75. Who is your crush? Charlette
77. Do you believe in Love at first sight? its possible
80. What's the first thing you notice about the oppisite sex? Face
81. Are you shy to ask someone out? Frustratingly so.
82. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? the person I marry
83. Do you find yourself attractive? I have been noticing that I could be attractive
84. Do you find yourself ugly? I will say that I am not ugly
85. Do others find you attractive? Its the reason I can say I might be attractive. I've been told to often that I am that I can't deny it anymore
138. On the phone or in person? I prefer to talk in person, my attention span is to short for the phone anymore.
139. Paper or plastic? plastic
140. Sausage or pepperoni? mmmmmm pepperoni...mmmmmm sausage
141. Summer or winter? Winter before summer, but spring before both
142. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, I don't really get kisses.
143. Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate
144. Root Beer or water: Root beer...IBC...mmmm
145. Glass half full or half empty? Its a glass with water, what does it really matter how much water is in it? The true question would be "Is it Clean or Dirty?"
148. Cats or Dogs? Cats
150. Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
151. Skiing or Boarding? Both, but I'm better at skiing
152. Day or night? night
153. Cake or pie? cake
155. Diamond or pearl? Diamonds are clean
156. sunset or sunrise? sunset, if I'm awake to see a sunrise I had better of stayed up all night to see it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HAVE you EVER~~~~~~~
178. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? I only cried when I saw them hurting
180. Drank? yup
181. Ever gotten dumped? I guess Alex dumped me, even though we were never no
182. Broke the law? I speed...and the pot thing
185. Stole something? nope
186. Tried to kill yourself? thought about it once and promptly stopped
187. Made yourself throw up? nope
189. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? nope, but I did cry when I was in trouble when I was young, but I never got out of trouble for it :P

**********On a FiNal NoTe*******************
190. Do you like filling these out? its something to do
191. How many people are you sending this to? Livejournal
192. Do you want your friends to write back? I don't care, I was just bored
194. Who is most likely to respond? probably no one
195. What first comes to mind? I have class tonight and Charlette is in it :)
197. Now what is the time? 6:05 am
198. What song is playing now? something on the radio again, I don't know what it is, sounds like rega
199.How Do you Feel?: tired
200. Any Last Words?: it would so much easier if I didn't have to try
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