Yesterday was my b-day, the big 2-1.
I went and watched X-Men: First Class and then got very, very drunk. And now I'm drinking ginger tea in my pjs because while I'm not hung over, my body has been more happy with me about other things.
But onto the squee. CHARLES/ERIK. GET IT, GET IT.
I hate to admit it, but I went into this movie with expectations. I went in there with toes and fingers crossed that this movie would be ok, ok acting, ok writing (everything I didn't get from X-Men Origins: Wolverine). And in the back of my mind I wanted Erik and Charles to have scenes together, be perfect for one another, fall into each others arms and have the fuck of a lifetime. I pretty much got what I wanted on all counts. So, I'll take it!
The key was to divorce myself from everything I know about X-Men comic cannon and just enjoy the story. Erik's new backstory was delightfully dramatic and I was really pulling for his vengeful, murderous killing spree. I LOVED Charles as super dork doctorate student. He was goofy and young, still moralistic, but his ideas about himself and the world were still forming. And his toolicious pick up line about mutations -I swooned. Raven's development and acceptance of her own mutation was great to watch, Mystique has always been a favorite of mine.
I loved the training montage were the kiddies were figuring out how to use their powers. Charles being the cool parent, Erik being the hard ass. They're practically a family. I could have wept with joy in the middle of the theater. Instead I just clapped like a seal, expressing my love through my hands.
My favorite parts, though, were when Erik and Charles went fucking roadtriping to pick up other mutants. They lay in the same bed to watch a strip show. LOL, GAY. And I just found the kink meme, and it's so beautiful. I never want to leave, except maybe to go back to the movie theater and watch this all over again!