You don't know me, but I had a link in my account to your House/Wilson essay (this one: Now I see that it is locked. The reason I'm contacting you is that I had planned to use it as an example of close reading of a text on the part of slashers in my masters thesis on slash reading methodology. Is it going to be locked permanently? Should I look elsewhere for an example? I remember being very impressed at this one, which is why I had it saved.
I realise you probably have a reason for locking it, but I thought no harm in asking you if it would be available again. :)
Hi there :D Actually I never meant to f-lock House stuff. I guess I forgot to think about it :) I'll unlock it immediately. And, you made me blush! I'm very honored that you consider my spontaneous ramblings good enough for your masters thesis. Now I wish I had been more coherent before posting it :D
Is it something that you will let us (H/W fandom) read? I'd certainly be interesting in reading it, since the concept of slash has always fascinated me, and I've always known that if I ever went back to school, I'd definitely do an essay/project/whatever, on the subject.
Hey! :) Don't worry about unlocking it if you'd rather keep your whole journal locked. I can hunt around for other essays. Though if you really don't mind, then obviously I'd be happiest to use this one, as I had planned.
And I'd love to make it available for people to read at some point. Ideally, I'll put it all into LJ format and put links in where I have footnotes now to make it far easier to read and navigate, so it'll be a while, but I'll be linking it in one of the H/W comms when I do. I hope you get to study slash if you get back to school - I've been amazed at how much work has already been done on it, but also, how much work there is to do!
Hi there! I'm utterly in love with your H/W Sims, and I would be very grateful if I could keep up with their adventures. (I don't get a chance to go to the House_Wilson LJ comm as often as I'd like...)
Hi there! Sorry 'bout the late reply, I'm sick with the cold and being very messy and forgetful :) I can't promise I'll update with H/W sims very often, I'm terribly lazy and making those pics takes forever. But feel free to track my journal, I really ought to get around to it, don't I? What with the lovely House home and all :P
Hi there person with the awesome comment! *waves* I don't post my fics in my journal, only to the house fic communities, so you're not missing out on anything, but I'll gladly add you if you still want :) Oh and I keep my fics in my memories, btw, for easy access. The grand collection of two fics *G* (which will hopefully grow)
Heh. TWO?!?!?!? *takes oreos back* ;) I NEED your H/W fics - see? I mean I NEED them!!!! (And if you don't mind another friend - I would love to be on your flist and likewise.)
Please, know that my comments were completely in earnest - your writing is really strong and your sense of House...just thoroughly in-character. I loved that ficlet!
*G* Now you're coaxing me with mankissing, evil you :D Well, if it helps any, I have several fics in progress. I like to experiment and try different writing styles, so they're probably all gonna be a little different from each other. Hopefully you'll also like whatever I come up with next :P
Added you back. I love the gothic angels you have in you LJ, btw!
Comments 39
You don't know me, but I had a link in my account to your House/Wilson essay (this one: Now I see that it is locked. The reason I'm contacting you is that I had planned to use it as an example of close reading of a text on the part of slashers in my masters thesis on slash reading methodology. Is it going to be locked permanently? Should I look elsewhere for an example? I remember being very impressed at this one, which is why I had it saved.
I realise you probably have a reason for locking it, but I thought no harm in asking you if it would be available again. :)
Is it something that you will let us (H/W fandom) read? I'd certainly be interesting in reading it, since the concept of slash has always fascinated me, and I've always known that if I ever went back to school, I'd definitely do an essay/project/whatever, on the subject.
And I'd love to make it available for people to read at some point. Ideally, I'll put it all into LJ format and put links in where I have footnotes now to make it far easier to read and navigate, so it'll be a while, but I'll be linking it in one of the H/W comms when I do. I hope you get to study slash if you get back to school - I've been amazed at how much work has already been done on it, but also, how much work there is to do!
Please, know that my comments were completely in earnest - your writing is really strong and your sense of House...just thoroughly in-character. I loved that ficlet!
Added you back. I love the gothic angels you have in you LJ, btw!
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