Rules/Questions Post

Jan 18, 2009 00:37

The rules can be found also in the community information, but I thought I'd also post them here.

Rules/Community Info:

1) Challenges are posted every other Saturday, and responses can be posted until the next challenge is up. Challenge suggestions are welcome. They can be left here.

2) All genres are welcomed and encouraged.

3) Please follow the template below when you post fic:
Word Count:

(Fic posted under an LJ-CUT)

4) All fic should be between 100 and 1,000 words.

5) Please put all spoilers, fiction, and long entries behind an lj-cut. For information on how to do this, go here.

6) Play nice, kiddies. Be respectful of the other members and readers here.

7) Beta requests are allowed, and the moderator, yaycoffee, is available as a beta reader. The permanent beta request/offer post is here. If you post something with so many grammar errors and typos that it's painful to read, the moderator will politely (and privately) ask you to find a beta-reader and re-post.

8) Please, no off-topic posting. There are several communities devoted to Psych discussion and non-challenge fan fiction.

9) Any content that is not work safe must be put under a cut. You may not use icons that aren't work safe.

10) Please use tags! Use the challenge tag, as well as the tag for the main character or pairing, rating, and genre.

11) You may link to an outside journal when posting your fic, but please mention psychflashfic wherever your fic lives.

12) Likewise, you may cross-post fic to other communities, but please mention psychflashfic when doing so.

Any questions that aren't covered by the community information can be left in a comment here.

mod post

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