A 97 year old lady is pissed off because she got arrested. She got pulled over for having an expired registration, and it turned out she had a six month old outstanding warrent for the same registration! So the piggies take her to jail, but she is convinced she is the victim here. That's no big deal, most criminals think that. But what troubles me
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I haven't used Excite on this computer is around three years. The last time I did I was using Explorer. Yet when I visited it with Mozilla it recognized me. That would be nice for someone who doesn't know much about the way the internet works; as I create it I am freaked out by this.
I have once again made a major change to my site. It is
based on LiveJournal's "Refried
Paper" theme, but using much leaner markup. It currently
resides on my staging
server, if you want to check it out.
I am also once again working on my CMS, as I hope to
soon expel LJ from my
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My Christmas went okay. I spent the day with vixenlenore, which of course meant I had a happy day. Didn't get much in the way of presents, but I get fewer and fewer every year, so that didn't bother me much.
I like LiveJournal's refried paper style, but it is quite non-symantic, so I recoded it with all the styling done using CSS. It isn't my default style
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I just made a small change in my site and journal templates. It won’t make a big difference to people using a graphical browser, but for people using text or voice browsers it will be nice. I moved the navigational links from the bottom of the page to the top. They will be positioned in the same place to people using CSS capable browsers, but if
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