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OOC: PW Links.
Oct 29, 2005 11:03
The Widow Twanky arrives.
And decides to visit the refreshment table.
Callisto meets Widow Twanky and Daddy Adama.
Twanky checks into the Arms.
Callisto talks with the Tick.
Callisto, Parker and O'Neill in the common after the chaos.
Twanky and CJ talk.
Twanky at the Parent's Brunch.
Twanky vs. Dean Bristow.
(The winner - Dean Bristow!)
Twanky and Professor Ted
Twanky at Spike's Pub
Callisto's morning jog.
Callisto hiding from Twanky hanging out with the Colorado Refugees at the Parent's Brunch.
Callisto hiding from Twanky subtexting with Angelus hanging out at the JA meet & greet.
Callisto and Daddy Adama. Take 2
Callisto talks to Sark.
Twanky and Professor Maclay.
Callisto gets ready for the Halloween Ball
Callisto talks to Crichton at the Ball
Callisto gets a drink and runs into Han.
Callisto meets some overly friendly flora.
Callisto chats with Camulus
She talks to Jaye
Before deciding to go exploring
Then she runs into D'anna...
...and runs after D'anna.
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