
Feb 19, 2006 17:51

tucker max punched me in the face yesterday, and it was awesome.

ok, that's a lie. but i did touch tucker max! and i didn't ask gay questions, unlike the scores of asshole ugly idiot BU kids there, asking questions that could clearly be answered on his website. i clearly remember questions like "what's your favorite drink", "what books have ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

nightswimming_c February 20 2006, 03:17:22 UTC
so jealous, wish i had gone. i got lazy and decided not to go....dammit.


psychoandy February 20 2006, 06:02:38 UTC
he sounds so nice and not assholeish/threatening in real life.

the guys who are like, meathead jocks trying to be like him were kinda lame, though. that, and it was at BU, which sucked. other than that it was fabulous and you shouldve came along.


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