>:D< You deal with punks all day long, don't you? Maybe at some point you'll happen upon these fine gentlemen. Give them a kick in the booty for me, will you? :P
Yeah, send that punk-ass to me! I'll whip him into shape!
Seriously, I have a guy on my caseload who held up a Wells Fargo and got away with $4000+ But, as one might expect when managing mental health cases, the story is kind of complex. He was writing fiction stories about bank robbers and became obsessed with it. He then decided to try robbing a bank to what it would be like. So, he did. Then, he felt so guilty that he turned himself in to a random cop on the street about three weeks later. And now he comes to see me!
I'm glad no one was hurt, though. Damn, there's a shitload of bank robberies going on right now.
o_O Some people just don't know where to draw the line, I guess. Sort of like fangirls who think they can really sleep with Harry Potter after writing X amount of plebey fanfiction stories. :)) Is your guy in jail, or do you only see the ones they ley out with probation? I'm ignorant in most law things, as you can see :))
Tell me about it. I am fretful enough when no one is (physically) injured, I can't imagine what would happen if someone was . . . you know. I can't even type it. :/
I'm the only one who hasn't been there for one, yet. This makes me look suspicious, I'm sure. -.-;;! Grocery store banks are a joke in terms of cash on hand. I don't know why anyone bothers robbing them :)) Did you witness anything?
If they try to blame me, I will be going ape shit on their asses. This is why we have cameras, pplz. Look at the video and tell me I stole it. I dare you. >:o >:o I really need a new job. :| :|
OR it could be that the punk fearz you and only tries to rob when you're not around. it's the draco stare of d00m isn't it? :D
umm, that's the thing. we didn't see BUBKUS even though roomie was at the checkout right across from the bank when it happened. we only realized something was amiss when the police swarmed the place. odd, that.
good good, as you should. throw in words like slander and harassment at the workplace and stuff too ;)
I appear to have at least a dozen sets of fingers crossed for me, so maybe I'll get lucky! :D
If mine weren't half-crippled, I would check up on him, too. :P I made him look at the video shots from last time to see if he recognized the little beast as one of his posse, but alas. Five years his junior, not likely.
Comments 27
Seriously, I have a guy on my caseload who held up a Wells Fargo and got away with $4000+ But, as one might expect when managing mental health cases, the story is kind of complex. He was writing fiction stories about bank robbers and became obsessed with it. He then decided to try robbing a bank to what it would be like. So, he did. Then, he felt so guilty that he turned himself in to a random cop on the street about three weeks later. And now he comes to see me!
I'm glad no one was hurt, though. Damn, there's a shitload of bank robberies going on right now.
Tell me about it. I am fretful enough when no one is (physically) injured, I can't imagine what would happen if someone was . . . you know. I can't even type it. :/
major suckz0r about the stress of the missing money. i will cross my fingers and send tons of good wishes for you to get the new job ♥
If they try to blame me, I will be going ape shit on their asses. This is why we have cameras, pplz. Look at the video and tell me I stole it. I dare you. >:o >:o I really need a new job. :| :|
umm, that's the thing. we didn't see BUBKUS even though roomie was at the checkout right across from the bank when it happened. we only realized something was amiss when the police swarmed the place. odd, that.
good good, as you should. throw in words like slander and harassment at the workplace and stuff too ;)
They usually don't try to cause a scene unless they're coming in with guns blazing. In and out quickly and quietly is the easiest way.
I doubt that would get me far with these anusbrains >.>
If mine weren't half-crippled, I would check up on him, too. :P I made him look at the video shots from last time to see if he recognized the little beast as one of his posse, but alas. Five years his junior, not likely.
Mine is 16, and if he is robbing banks for some reason, I would at least like to hear he isn't using his own car.
And girl if they wanna start some shit with you, I suggest you watch the movie Set It Off and take a few notes :)
Hahaha, I am such a pussy when it comes to fighting :D am way too passive-aggressive for it!
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