Mama told me to post this for everyone to see. I didn't really read it. It's so looong and boring.
Please be kind to my darlings. They are alittle abnormal. And they are attending daily therapy sessions nearby. They need more care and assistance than the average college student.
Here is the obligatory doctor's note:
The twins, Luki and Noki have a mental illness that causes them to act quite childish. But they have been deemed mentally stable and sound enough attend college provided they have proper supervison. It is urged that the faculty and staff take special care with the twins. If they fail to attend therapy sessions this note will no longer be vailed and will no longer have permission to be at the school. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please notify me.
Dr. Pepper
I think I like this new place. I think we're going to have a lot of fun here.I'm glad they gave us somewhere new to play. That old place with the mushy walls and tight jackets was no fun at old. They had needles there too. Whenever Noki & I would jump around too much they stuck us with them. Then we would fall asleep and wake up in the morning. But now that we're here I'm sure we'll have much more fun.
Come on, Noki! Let's go out and play explore.