>Been in love: oh gawd.
>Been in lust: not really
>Been arrested: ehehe... ^^;;
>Been to trial: once. but I wasn't the defendant.
>Been shit faced drunk: *sings* One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR!
>Been high: on what? I've done most but pot.
>Been caught drinking: not by anyone that mattered.
>Been caught smoking: nope
>Been caught boning: I'm a chick.
>Used illegal drugs: ...alright, who are you?
>Driven a car: yuuuus
>Broken a heart: I think I have.
>Had your heart broken: what heart. Oh the one he stole from me and crushed beneath his foot? Yeah I think it's pretty much crushed.
>Been raped (anything against your will): No comment.
>Lied to your friends: unfortunately.
>Threatened anybody: yeah
>Wanted to kill someone: yeah
>Been so embarrassed you could die: yeah. but at this point it doesn't matter.
>Lied to your parents: eeeeeeh ^^;;
>Lied to a teacher: about things that would have gotten me in trouble OTHERWISE.
>Wanted to run away: yes
>Sent someone to the hospital: myself...?
>Been pregnant: again, no comment.
>Hooked up with someone of the same sex: hehehe
>Broken in somewhere: yup!
>Told someone something they 'needed' to know: yeah... hehe
>Hit a member of the opposite sex: yeah. it was NECESSARY.
>Had such a crush you'd do anything for the person: oh gaaawd
>Called the police: no. they call me.
>Cheated on a test: uh huh.
>Been to a mental institution: yesh
>Cried for someone: just did
>Been cheated on: YES.
>Been dumped: YES.
>Been back stabbed: YES.
.::ARE YOU::.
>In love now: yes
>In lust now: never was and never will be.... *you don't care and you don't see me, now you know you're everybody---* whoops o.o I'm sorreh.
>In school: yeeeesh.
>In trouble: not with nobody I know.
>Guilty about anything: aaach.
>Depressed about anything: Childproof caps have spoiled my happiness.
>Isolated: every fucking day
>Keeping a secret from someone important: yes. yes I am.
.::DO YOU::.
>Have a low self image: why else would I be on Paxil??
>Have a bad history: eeeech.
>Have trouble with the opposite sex: yes.
>Trust yourself: ...am I supposed too...?
>Laugh alot: sarcastically. Does that count?
>Smile a lot: I smirk.
>Hug anyone every day: My pillow.
>Cry: all the time.
>Blush: only too often
>Giggle: not for me
>Shave your private part: ......
>Embarrass easily: I don't care enough
>Get offended easily: it comes with being bi-polar.
>Consider yourself honest: nowadays I am. Be glad you didn't know me five months ago.
>Like taking these questionares: they're okay if you're bored.
>Did you kiss last: Andy
>Did you hug last: Alexis
>Did you want to hug or kiss last: Cory
>Do you miss: Cory
>Do you hate: ....*pulls out a thick book labled "the shit list"*
>Made you laugh out loud last: Andy
>Made you smile last: Andy
>Smoked you out last: my Camels.
>Complimented you last: oh shit... am I honestly worth complimenting?
>Told you something you'll never forget: Cory... and Alicia.
>Betrayed you last: Cory.
>Was your first kiss: I don't remember.
>Did you move beyond kissing: these are gettting a bit personal o.o
>Did you last have sex: o.o.....
>Did you last shower: a few days ago. I'm too busy marinating in misery to care enough about personal hygene dammit.
>Did you cry last: a few minutes ago
>Was the last party you went to: One in Dallas on Friday
>Bugs you the most about a girl: ...uh.... probably the inability to shave herself. if you know what I mean.
>Do you do in class: black out... sleep.
>Do you miss: Cory, Tyler, Tori, Matthew, and Allyn.