Dear Daniel Gildenlow,
In reference to I watched with pride at your wonderful performance at PPV. I was honored to have one the musicians who created one of my top 10 albums of all time sign the very album. But this "embargo" that you have laid and lifted transcends any negative definitions that me and my cynical mind can come up with.
When you take your political opinions and views, and spread them to affect innocent bystanders, you are nothing more than Bush lite. You have politically firebombed your enemy and destroyed civilian homes in the process. You have failed on every level that I held you so far up on. You have disappointed me greatly.
You will never read this, be rest assured that I everyone I know of will know of your despicable act. You alienated a part of your fan base because your own personal beliefs, and you cannot be forgiven.
You will never see a single penny from me ever again. I will forever download the bile you shall continue to spew forth. As for the my autographed album, it shall be destroyed.
If I come see you in concert, you will witness my middle finger for the entire duration of your performance.
Someone who did not vote for Bush, but was apparently deserving of being punished by you,
Scott James Miller..