this guy is completely blowing everything right out his ass! Most people in ohio dindt think they were voting for kerry! The exit polls were ALL WRONG because of the way they were taken. At LEAST four exit polls were completely wrong, maybe even intentionally to sway voters. The guy in the article is making shit up, and has nothing to back up his case with... NO ONE has publicly said that they meant to vote for Kerry........
and we all know most of the provisional ballots were democrats who went to a bunch of polling places and got ballots. Thats the only way Kerry could possibly get anywhere near the 80% of the provisional vote (which he would need to close the gap).
Don't listen to every liberal douche who feels like running their mouth.
wow ur a dumbass colin...if u want to see the facts that right wing nut jobs like colin deny I have one on My Lj, its from like Novermber 3rd or 4th I think...I wouldn't recomend it to republicans, seeing the truth might make you spontaneously away, please
Comments 2
and we all know most of the provisional ballots were democrats who went to a bunch of polling places and got ballots. Thats the only way Kerry could possibly get anywhere near the 80% of the provisional vote (which he would need to close the gap).
Don't listen to every liberal douche who feels like running their mouth.
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