1) What's a fact about the last person who texted you?
She draws.
2) Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
I almost never have it on.
3) What happened to you at 7:00 a.m.
Nothing, I was asleep.
4) When did you last cry?
A long ass time ago.
5) What is your favorite thing to eat?
Macaroni and hot wings. (or bbq chicken)
6)What do you want in your life right now?
A vacation.
7) Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
When i lived in japan, i always had an umbrella for rain but here, i just free ball it.
8) Do you wear Crocs?
I dont even know what that means.
9) What do you smell like?
well, today is a lazy day...so worse then usual? something between Ass holes and ball sweat with cupcakes.
10) What's your favorite Gatorade flavor?
I dont drink gatorade, I get my electrolytes from life.
11) Whats your favorite thing in your room?
Currently, Avril Lavigne.
13) Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
I dont know. I dont think so.
14) Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Yes, i am wearing Jonathan Ernest's shirt about the Great American Smoke Out, i like it because it says BALLS on the back.
15) What was the last movie you watched?
Last DVD i watched was Two Lane Black Top starring James Taylor. it's almost too good. Last movie i saw in the theater was Iron Man, and it sure did.
16) Do you have Justin Timberlake music on your ipod?
I dont have an ipod.
17) Can you sleep in jeans?
I am a never nude...so yes.
18) What were you doing on July 4th, 2007?
I have no idea. something lame. probably avoiding the possibility of playing volley ball and getting my ass kicked in sumo wrestling.
19) What does the last text message you received say?
Something awesome.
20) What did you reply?
I didn't.
21) Who was the last person you were in a car with?
Max and Sarah. We went to the mall and some girl hit on me (not true)
22) What is the last thing you bought someone?
Shit, i have no idea. i dont buy people things very often.
23) What are you listening to?
Battlestar Galactica, season one, episode one...max's room.
24) Do you say "dawg"?
As often as i can, dawg.
26) Who was the last person to cook for you?
Besides myself? probably my mom.
27) When you sleep do you dream about heroin addicts?
28) Do you care what others think about you?
Not very often. i am pretty much amazing so it doesnt come up too much.
29) Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
I better be.
30) Will you ever hug the last person you hugged again?
31) What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
jack shit, school? BATMAN
32) Who was the last person you called?
I just got off the phone with my dad.
33) Who was your last missed call?
The reserves.
34) Do you plan on moving in the next year?
No, i honestly have no intentions of moving again. at least not town wise.