Another Girls-Only SurveyThis or That:American Eagle or Hollister?:neither Diet or regular sodas?:regular Eyeliner or mascara?:both Friends or family?:friends Heels or sneakers?:sneakers Hoodies or jackets?:hoodies Hoop or dangling earrings?:dangling I-Pod or RAZR?:neither Lip gloss or Chapstick?:lip gloss Love or peace?:peace Manicure or pedicure?:neither Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen or Lindsay Lohan?:um there all three hott but i guess i would say the olsen twins Pearls or Diamonds?:diamonds Side bangs or all-one-length?:i dont kno Skirts or pants?:pants Smoothies or lattes?:lattes Socks or leggings?:socks Straight or curly hair?:straight Sunglasses or purses?:both 'Victoria's Secret' or 'Bath and Body Works'?:um...victoria secret Water or daiquiris?:daiguiris Put an 'X' beside the ones you have:a pair of heels:x Abercrombie skirt: Aeropostale purse: American Eagle shirt: big bed:X black shirt:X book:X cell phone:X computer:X Converse:X Cosmo Girl or other teen magazine: diamond earrings: diary/journal (not blog!):X Hot Topic shirt:X mp3 player/I-Pod: Myspace:X pearl necklace: perfume:X pink nail polish: "pop princess" CD: prom dress: stereo:X teddy bear:X TV in your room:X Basic Girl Knowledge:Do you have a specific color of cover up/foundation you wear for your sk:NOT REALLY Do you know exactly where the blush goes?:nope Do you know how to French braid?:nope Do you know what kind of lip gloss can make your teeth whiter?:nope Do you know what color looks the best on you?:nope well prolly black Do you use an eyelash curler?:nope Do you use waterproof mascara?:sometimes Do you wash your face at least once a day?:yes How much do you pay for make-up?:um.... Would you say you know how to put on make-up?:usually
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