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Mar 17, 2006 17:24

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!What is your favorite..gum:juicy fruit restaurant:chilis drink:vodka season:summer type of weather:snowy emotion:happy thing to do on a half day:get high late-night activity:hang out after work sport:soccer city:miami store:wal mart When was the last time you..cried:tuesday played a sport:haha long time ago laughed:today hugged someone:last nite kissed someone:tuesday felt depressed:tuesday felt elated:tuesdaY felt overworked:last nite faked sick:long time ago lied:tuesday What was the last..word you said:ok thing you ate:chocolate donut song you listened to:dont bother by shakira thing you drank:code red mountain dew place you went to:the bank movie you saw:wedding crashers, last movie in theatres tho was when a stranger calls movie you rented:cant remember concert you attended:taste of chaos o5 Who was the last person you..hugged:ira cried over:matt kissed:some random guy danced with:amber shared a secret with:robin had a sleepover with:i cant remember called:robin went to a movie with:matt, robin jessy and corey saw:my brother were angry with:the guy i met monday couldn't take your eyes off of:matt obsessed over:matt Have you ever..danced in the rain:yes kissed someone:yes done drugs:yes drank alcohol:yes slept around:yes partied 'til the sun came up:yes had a movie marathon:yes gone too far on a dare:yes spun until you were immensely dizzy:yes taken a survey quite like this before:yes Take this survey | Find more surveys
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