Apr 01, 2012 16:02
Today is April 1, 2012, and it allows me to be absolutely sincere.
To report immediately if anyone suddenly have a desire to treat serious to my title of the article. Especially today, as promised, cut off Internet access altogether, and I will not be able to hang up the post in LiveJournal, called on the coincidence of names - the journal of Leonard.
Just yesterday, late at night, I received a letter from a writer living magazine, which is so wonderfully painted a flight of his thoughts, as the flight of a butterfly.
And I also remembered my flights during sleep and waking in early childhood. They were so real that I found it very hard to dodge the electric poles and forever preventing roof near the ground.
For years, the older I got a brochure printed on sheets of typewritten, most likely from the pope, with the surprising title: "Everyone should know." My father was then headmaster of the school, and it was to read his duty. He was returning from school tired and asked me something to read, the newspaper "Pravda", it was then the only truth, here's the brochure. It was really exciting.
Described in detail a nuclear explosion, as it was then at the military training camp, I learned it was in 1954, and just something about 400 kilometers away in a straight line just as the wind rose. The first nuclear explosion test site in the Orenburg region Totsky was conducted under the direction of Georgy Zhukov, who cannot remember, the hero and commander of the winning World War II. The story, though, dug for him a command post for the observation of the binoculars, and the remnants of asphalt roads I have seen and touched in 1971 by myself. And the explosion that was much stronger than expected, that the glass is said to crash of Orenburg’s homes due to shock wave. It was the first military training newly formed military department of our university. We specifically went to the site of the first systems of air nuclear explosion, with the participation of troops, took pictures on the site of the epicenter, where the obelisk. Some guys picked the remains of burnt trees, and took "a long memory," home. Physics, among other things. Although, it should be noted, such as radio-phobia after Chernobyl, still does not yet.
The first booklet in life, I have read in full, has a secret from the pope, in five years, has left an indelible mark on me. I knew exactly what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion "on the left or right", and the head will automatically determine where and under what can be covered. It was only ten years, once in the library district for two months while studying in a special boarding school in the district center, I was interested in reading. And this is somehow distracted and opened another, mysterious world.
Even then, made me the secret of his name. And for the first time, once in Italy, I climbed the museums and churches of Florence, where Leonardo worked. As it turned out that he owes many of its big clients and was forced to leave France. It was only in his forty years, I met him at his picture.
Today, just twenty years have passed, and there is reason to think about it a little more.
I still flew from the Soviet Union in 1991 on a passing airplane, and flew in a completely different country, which had not even the name yet. I did not even know they'll let me back there with the Soviet passport. The fact that I was not given a visa in time, and this time was a big difficulties (napryazhenka) and gave when my plane on which the tickets were purchased, already departed. Another would be melancholic for example, would sit down and "cried." But I, as a man of choleric warehouse, found out about the next flight, departing after four hours. I hired a taxi for mad money at that time - a hundred dollars, drove in Podolsk nearby from Moscow for my two bags of homemade stuff. The taxi driver last part of the way to Sheremetyevo from flying corks are not on the "oncoming", and on the right, unpaved lane and drove, still a minute before the end of the registration.
I do not want to paint, as I was near the Arc de Triomphe, at the crossroads of a large number of roads where I was approached by a young man, and pure literary English offered to help, how to get the metro to the Louvre. As I had brought the crowd into a small car, compared with Moscow, metro. And as my head was caught between two magnificent dark breasts. I found it hard to breathe, but two of my bags made it impossible to turn around, and I was literally crucified on the girl, and trapped behind the other. When the next stop of the crowd subsided, I was near the wall, holding a bag in front, saying: "No I g ... naked, his hands that is, just do not take!".
Throwing hated bags at the station, I went to the Louvre, hoping to find a picture of Leonardo. I do not like going to museums with a guide, but I found it easy to find the Venus de Milo on a fairly large size, with the chirality of which was known since the time of writing his doctoral dissertation. Legs as in modern department stores turned to the desired tracks, themselves led into the hall, where was the Mona Lisa.
I went to it like a rabbit fascinated by a boa, and stopped by the invisible barrier. Consciousness, in the usual sense was "sedated," and if I was connected to the world mind.
I had a big question to mind: "Who is the man, the structure of the brains, why people are different, what is the spirit of man??". All questions were the same as how people, and how it communicates with the world.
And I came to answer ... I could not write them then, I have prevented the Japanese. They seemed to me, with wild shouts of "Banzai," jumped on this picture, clicking cameras, apparently, and touched me, moving from the "sedated."
Later, in working at the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, on the six o'clock Mass at the Strasbourg church, I could easily refer to the global mind with a request to solve some scientific problems, and the decision came at all times.
So yesterday, I asked myself the question, what is the seventh law of psychology, the answer came from the e-companion.
This is an internal sense of inspiration, the flight of thought, imagination and creativity. And I'm like "a complete theoretical" call in simple terms, the internal noninertial world, reflecting the noninertial external psychological space. Yes, scientific terminology is a little more complicated than much well-known creative inspiration, but it is without any assumptions with mathematical precision helps to uniquely describe the indescribable previously the creative process.
As is the case now. In fact, I'm just doing whatever stand received information from the world of the mind (for the sake of clarity - now there is a certain similarity to the "Internet"), written in some way, and passed through the Leonardo da Vinci's portrait of Mona Lisa - the Mona Lisa to our the world. Who is able to accept, fine, but the most difficult to describe the information in human words. And I'm just passing thoughts, write down the encrypted information on the human and understandable language for all of us. The man who all seem to be difficult, I am ready to translate into plain text, at least for the language, thanks to GOOGLE-interpreter (special thanks to him).
After that meeting with Leonardo I had a "great lift." I, as if had born anew. Today I was "twenty years of the conventional art," and I can say that it was the hardest two decades and more effective in my life. Life with a family of four with two daughters - on thirty dollars a month during the collapse of Russia in the 90th. As is well-equipped lab, I went to another Institute with bare walls and two antediluvian telephones. As I gave a presentation of future structural chemistry lab with champagne and caviar, which drew a plan for future laboratory.
And all this happen, and next week comes the last unit of my plans - an X-ray single-crystal diffractometer for half a million dollars. As we guessed the mechanisms of catalytic reactions and on this topic are literally on Wednesday last week, is already protected by my beloved and talented student of doctoral thesis. I think that she or her students will receive the Nobel Prize, but that's another story.
Ideas - a great thing when they are implemented.
Leonard d’Ural
April 1, 2012, Ufa
PS. Consider this theoretical article announcement: "The Seventh Law of Psychology." And I will be glad that someone is waiting for her. Enough of me to sing songs about their emotions, time and science study. Who will do it for me?
I switched to the seventh article. I went and shaved. Okay, not a diary writing, it's time to work. The more the Internet is not yet, somehow it becomes frightening, predictions of the "Other" impact ... on April 1, however.
mona lisa,
leonardo da vinci