A bit serious: “Honesty - as a fundamental category of psychology”

May 25, 2012 07:13

A bit serious: “Honesty - as a fundamental category of psychology”

In the hard sciences is a fundamental concept of truth. For example, in mathematics, uniquely determine the truth of a statement: either it is the truth - or a lie. It also works the law of excluded middle: "There is no third." There is no "little bit of truth", or "little lies".
And some people like to have the truth and "truth-uterus is cut straight in the eye." Unfortunately, for many years usilinnoy propaganda carried out by a newspaper called "The Truth", the concept of truth and honesty poisterlis something that basically served as the ideological overtones of the Soviet Union.
These statements are true if they are fundamental. So you can set the fundamental categories. In the case of psychology as a science is not all clear, and for this reason, psychologists do not relate it to science. Let's try to analyze the main categories of psychology in terms of formal logic.
Returning to the definitions of science of psychology and psychological systems.
The first assumption: "Psychology is a science."
Question: "The Psychology of true science, or false?"
The proof is by analogy with mathematics, because mathematics is a common method of logic.
So, if psychology is a false science, it is not a science, as scientific knowledge must be true, and proven knowledge of the existing apparatus.
Hence, psychology is the subject of science, as its provisions may be proved by the apparatus of science.
How do we prove the existence of elements of physical systems? Elements of physical systems are assumed on the basis of the theory and proved by experimental verification.
Thus, the nuclei of atoms have been predicted by the English physicist Rutherford in 1911 (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/1911_% D0% B3% D0% BE% D0% B4) and experimentally confirmed by X-ray scattering on nuclei of metals.
Suppose that the theory of psychological functions or elements, proposed by Carl Gustav Jung is correct. They introduced the following pair of functions: rational, irrational, logic, ethics, intuition, sensing, introversion-extroversion. Clearly, the proposed feature set does not describe fully the psychological system, because it does not take into account a very important aspect of decision-making: whether the individual to decide for others, or is ready to take someone else's decision?
We call this scale of masculinity or femininity, corresponding, respectively, male (M) or female (F) psycho.
The proposed scale is fundamental, since it can not be reduced to psychological functions proposed by Jung.
This scale was proposed by Otto Weininger in the twenties of last century, but received no serious development. However, each of us can experimentally verify himself by asking his family to a single question: "Who's the Boss." Having received from his wife in full, you can clearly see to what you think about psycho. In real life, perhaps a little more complicated. Can not find his wife there, or you are not at that age. But the question: "Can you make a decision than others?" Has only two honest answers.
Either yes or no. There is no third. Although, you allow different situations. Here begins insincere responses. You, man (boy) on the biological feature simply can not allow what you listened to a woman (girl)? Never. But it's disingenuous response, it is the usual response of those who want to look better than it actually is.
Insincere response leads to a mistaken identity, and can easily be verified with additional analysis.
In experimental studies on a sample of more than two thousand respondents, ranging from 6-7 years of high school until the age of academicians of RAS can be noted an interesting pattern, surprising to me at the very beginning of research in this direction. No one "academic" could not understand myself. The younger age of the test the percentage of "correct" self-identification is up to 90% in a sample of nearly 200 children (6-7 grades). This means only one thing, children and students of undergraduate students more earnestly than the "academics" who know how to respond. On average, the coefficient of self-identity is about 80%. It is quite satisfactory for a number of psychological studies, considering that the trained professional can identify the errors associated with insincerity or lack of understanding of the answers of questions.
So, I want to show the latest example of self-identity in the group of third year students.
A sample of 13 people, a young man, the other girls. Preparing for the tests with a story about the theory, method and test (first time for the group) - 20 minutes after class "for fun". The results were discussed in a group identity. To my further questions answered all classmate. Result: 12 uniquely identified by the students. One student made a mistake in identification. Error checked the tester additional questions, categorical disagreement with the group of typical responses.
The latter result is controversial discussed again next week at the suggestion of the subject in the circle of her closest friends. The only psycho, which by definition classmates "encrypted": "Inspector" - "Caligula." The only control question: "Do you want to be old?". All friends of the Inspector clearly confirmed symptoms. The surest sign: he presents himself to others like them have to take it to make it easier to manage.
If not, then he must find a way.
In the psychological experiment conducted by us we are faced with yet another fundamental concept of truth in psychology - a category of integrity, certainly not reducible to the previously described categories.
In a psychological space, "Honesty" could reflect the white arrows (W - White) and, accordingly, "Dishonesty" - a black arrow (B - Black).
Then the number of shared psycho N reaches

N = 26 = 64,

C taking into account the four mentioned by Hippocrates in the psychological differences between the mass M, the number will be recognized by psycho - 256.
Now, finally, is the most difficult to come up with a test for honesty. Find the same question, the answer to that will give an unambiguous description of fairness. Let's do it together.
The problem of fairness concern of mankind since Adam and Eve, the same apple, which Eve plucked from the tree, despite the ban. That is in itself a legend about the origin of mankind contains information about the violation of the law established by God. Maybe if Eva was an obedient woman, humanity would not have continued. But she was honest to ourselves and to his one man. And our world was held by his ancestors and believed her to Adam.
Hence it is clear that honesty - the category personal, refers to the biological nature of man, which eventually transformed into a psychological category. However, in ordinary social life, and honesty gradually devalued category. The establishment of a monogamous marriage, a strengthening of the family, prevented free relationship, more characteristic of the biological nature of man. And since the days of ancient Egypt and ancient Rome men, along with the institution of family relationships, started Institute of paid relationships between the sexes, before losing the integrity of the spouses. Only recently have young people in fact live in civil marriages, maintaining relationships on parole. And, as if in the institution of civil marriage, we would not be included, namely the freedom of the relationship allows for the correct selection of a trial and possible errors. And it is in a civil marriage is an opportunity to correct mistakes.
The possibility of false marriages easily predicted by the theory - it is very high. It is much easier to calculate a very small probability theory, successful marriages.
The most successful marriage - it is a dual pair, the exact opposite of all the psychological functions, but the first that should be shared by the couple (or rational or irrational). That is 1/16 * 1/16 = 1/256.
Or a total of four successful couples in a thousand is not too successful in the spontaneous (thoughtless) distribution.
In fact, the number is much higher because of the happy intuitively correct relationship between the sexes in the school or the student's age. On the strength of such marriages, each of us can give many good examples. Unfortunately, later in life in people appear more vital needs. Someone interested in younger girls, some interest to men richer. The sincerity of desire disappears, the priorities are increasingly growing material needs.
Thus, we can see that quite sincerely polutoraletny baby cries to his father the first time in his life the words: "Dad ... duuu aaak!" Is not quite clearly pronouncing the letters "PPP". I know what it really is not very reasonable, since early in the morning dragged her in her hated kindergarten, though, in my first glance, this looks the best garden in the city, where even a swimming pool. And I am his daughter one evening sewed on the sewing machine first and last in his bath robe for the life of the pool. My nerves just enough for a week, and my daughter is something in that time managed to get sick. Exactly on this and it ended my torment.
Now my granddaughter, two and a half years went into the garden for two days, two hours of the morning. After the first day she told the boy that "All the time all the cries and cries ...". And at the very tears in his eyes.
On the second day, when after two hours came to pick up her grandmother, she is not undressed and climbed into bed and cried from the inexpressible anguish. After a few months, the bad garden, which belonged to the local Academy of Sciences, was closed. Apparently, the tears of my granddaughter, and the boy poured a reason.
Just a week before the closure of the kindergarten, my daughter asked me to find the birth certificate of his granddaughter, because she could not find him at home. The head just happened to educators granddaughter clutched her paper. He was worn to a frazzle, and three sheets torn almost equal parts. I was wrong, and I understood why he was crying boy. And guess why it was hard for my granddaughter.
Children are also very sincere in their words and actions, and only we, adults, teach them to hate and lies. And well, that not all children are susceptible to lies and hatred fleeing, falling sick quite naturally.
Thus, the social environment itself teaches our children to lie and get out, and they, as far as possible, and his forces fiercely resisted. Children with stable psychological system can maintain its insides.
Defeated in this unequal struggle children lose their psychological stability. They turn into broken and hysterical children who already require rehabilitation in the early childhood and school age. But many broken children in early childhood and can not recover and become angry or confined adolescents are prone to violent acts and suicides.
Thus, sincere people live in harmony with his nature, which is not laid down principles for destruction of the representatives of their species, as it does at present. Even in the wolf pack leader keeps a flock of knowledge of the behavior of their prey and skillful organization of the hunt, but never admits attacks on members of their community.
So, the fundamental question of honesty test can only be a proper recognition of the (so-called "Test of honesty in front of you"):

Are you doing the always on nature - White Line «W»?
I sometimes sacrifice principles in extreme poverty - The black band «B».

Of course, I'm not too sure that people will really respond to these questions. But we - not officers of special departments, where a polygraph test - lie detectors. All of the proposed tests are designed to self-identification. Finally, a man always wants to know the truth for yourself. Even if it is you do not like it too. Because the truth is useful to know yourself first. Somehow, I'm sure these people can take the tests for themselves. And if need be, you can contact the experts, who may be able to find errors.
Personally, I choose life sincere. Colleagues, students, teachers ... and easily with them, and not too easy to work with. But just know that they will not let you down. And in science it is important. Yes, perhaps, everywhere, including to vendors, yet not be deceived. Even in politics. Do not tolerate dishonest in America, as shown by Watergate. Do not suffer in Europe, the presidents involved in plagiarism. The struggle for honesty brings people together.

Honesty has become popular.
But the fairness is a fundamental category of  psychology -.

Leonard Ural
Ufa, Russia

fairness, psychology, fundamental category, honesty

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