Sexual compatibility matrix
©Leonard M. Ural
"I understand that it took the most difficult feature of the psychological, where many prominent psychologists have broken" a lot of firewood. " But this is what allows me to try to lift the veil on what cursed for thousands of years ... "
The article deals with the theory of sexual relationships and so-called "deviation."
As we have established a little earlier [], the presence of eight pairs of the fundamental characteristics of psychological systems can identify with one of the 256 (2 in 8-th degree) are uniquely different personality types.
And now, if we try to imagine that met with a "stranger" or "stranger," what are the prospects may be our relationship?
Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" in detail described the relationship between 16 different personality types, and it took many pages, many still can not afford them until the end. And rather watch a movie or a retelling of the adapted form.
Here we try to decide how it happens and how we have with your partner, wife, girlfriend or friend.
I understand that it took the most difficult feature of the psychological, where many prominent psychologists have broken "a lot of firewood." But this is what allows me to try to open the curtain on that cursed for thousands of years. Then I helped the psychological theory of systems.
Consider the simplest version: here it is - I.
I'm either a biological male or female - we know this because from 3-4 years. The third option I'll leave alone. It now remains to find his psychological orientation in the scale of "femininity-masculinity": if I can take someone else's decision on the fundamental issues for me - a female type, if I can make a decision (eg, life-death) for other people - the male type. That is to say, "perceive the world the way it is" - you have a dominant femininity. "I break the world for themselves" - you have a courageous character, although you may be biologically and a woman. But you can not be called weak.
Also, identify their loved one. The options are not so much, and if you have eaten a lot of kilo (maybe one hundred grams) of salt, you can definitely appreciate a species of a partner, and psychological characteristics of your partner. For example, the behavior of the kitchen, at the time of repair, or at the time of love. Psychologically, courageous woman in a critical situation make the decision themselves, and often find themselves in a position "above".
If you agree in desperate situations with your partner, you, of course, feminine type, although, perhaps, looks brutal male species. Whiskers, a chain ... does not matter, often behind them fine soul artist, skillfully plays up a biological entity. Usually, men hide their psychological well inside, but we make the identification for themselves. Here honesty is essential, because the result is either true, and you'll be able to use it, or wrong - and why you need to deceive ourselves?
We reduce our arguments to the psychological matrix on a scale of "Sexuality" - "biological sex"
Table 1. Sexual compatibility matrix of psychological types A and B
Partner A
Partner B
A Biological Sex: Male
Identical pair of blue: "teacher-student"
Compatible pink pair
The conflict pair
Compatible pink pair
Male Rose pair
Inverted dual pair
Compatible rose pair
The conflict pair
Inverted dual pair
Identical red pair: "teacher-student"
Dual Rose Pair
Dual Pair
Compatible Rose pair
Dual Rose Pair
Female Rose Pair
Translated from the gibberish these things means that we rarely choose a suitable pair. If this happened at random, the probability of a successful meeting of suitable pairs of 1/256 multiplied by 1/256, that is infinitely small. Moreover, if in your country or in the immediate vicinity of the 256 brides do not have a choice. However, in his youth, often helps us to intuition: flashes before you eyes, and all - we are ready. So it was even forty years ago. Time is now practiced civil marriage, "test pen" in the sense you can "pull the pen". This method is called by trial and error. There is another approach.
Table 1 shows the complete matrix of possible relationships between the biological sexes, characterized by different types of decision-making. When thinking of Freud, in man, as laid down in the form of a biological instinct of behavior aimed at procreation. But defining man as Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens, is a way of making decisions, either to obey the leader (f feminine), or they become (m-masculine).
Obviously, the most stable, attractive and efficient are located diametrically opposite to the table a couple, so-called dual pairs, a manly man (M-Male) and feminine woman (F-Female) MmFf and FfMm. This pair is perfect with the human and social point of view, so to speak, the classical model, which has always sought our Creator. But human beings are born different, and do not always listen to your heart or mind. Why, for example, a man who must choose the type of women's Leonardo da Vinci. Hardly would he "pink marriage" with a feminine woman like Mona Lisa, which will not be able to feed it with all his "strangeness of nature" and the full impact science and art. He will certainly need a dual pair of inverted MfFm «masculine" woman, Marie de Medici patron of the arts, well or, at worst, the French king in the men's pair MfMm compatible, or so-called same-sex relationships, which, rather, may be called "pink" on the type of femininity MfMf.
It is also easy to identify incompatible with life or marriage, couples conflict MmFm, which, however, can live a whole life, and to think that conflict is the meaning of life: "He beats - it means loved." But how often strikes reach the goal - at the cost of the object of love! But, they say, women's lives FfFf, but male MfMf pink pair is not too prolonged, like any identity in an age of rapidly bored rapid development of society.
What an amazing palette of relationship I discovered only in one separately taken a psychological test for the scale of "masculinity-femininity." For ten different types of relationships dramatically.
And each can be found here of their own.
I think each of us is entitled to it, like it or not another. And it is pointless to send a curse on someone, or "burn them with fire and brimstone," because our relationship more.
We were born and have a right to live and to love those whom we love.
And I wish that everyone loved only themselves suitable.
I understand that this is unrealistic. But as you want ...
And it's nice to really realize that, in early childhood, in the 15 years I managed to make it intuitively, that the conscious mind in fifty years.
With love to you
Leonard d’Urals
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