One of my courses today got canceled, that means goodies for you. =) I was tired of bright blue water and sky so
I made some objects to fix that rather than further searching for the right textures in the game files: I took the deco sky
for lots
by chris997 (MTS), enlarged and made it into a neighbourhood deco. The texture is my favourite recolor by
Jasper from Simvention (aka
I also made two objects to change the waters color: One transparent cover to be placed over the surface, one solid
black object to be placed deeper so you can't see all the way down to the ground. It also kinda solves that weird look
you get when you place decorative ground covers on the coastline.
Here's how it looks, left with the water objects only, right with the sky added, bottom in lot view
(sky can't be seen, use the original sky object there):
All objects have a grabbing area in one corner that is brightly colored for easy finding and small enough to be hidden
under the smallest maxis rock. Place the transparent water cover on the coastline so it's right above the surface (you
might have to turn it a bit to cover the whole terrain). Place the solid black cover a bit more down. Don't place it directly
under the surface because when you go into camera mode on a lot the water level changes!
And here's some more stuff:
Two more add-ons for Criquettes embankment (first part
here), one piece only stone without fence or lamp
(useful for harbour areas and to fill gaps) and one with the stairs only for situations where you don't have enough
space for the normal stairs piece. (The road piece is part of the first add-on.) Second the sunken ship from
Castaway that was extracted on MATY but I removed the rocks around it. And third a recolor of Criquettes
ferry ramp, more brownish and with wooden planks.
APOCALYPTIC RED SKY (GoS apocalypse theme)