generally people are not going to choose to be something hated,harassed, discriminated against. generally people liked to be liked and treated well. i have made that point for literally as long as i can remember every time gay issues are brought up and i stick to it. as i've said before in the past the thought of being bisexual/lesbian scared the shit out of me because it will come with more hate more hardships. i'm not going to deny my feelings though. i am not ashamed of who i am. i'm still in dis-belief to her words. i feel like she stabbed me in the back in a sense because i've countlessly gone to her with struggles with us (i.e. when parents were crazy ect.) yet all along although she is ok with us she was still thinking what i was talking to her about was rooted in evil and there is evil in me. it makes me sad that such a close friend could think that of me could believe that.
*hugs* I often find the same thing when observing people; they are willing to stand up and support a variety of causes, but not usually gay rights. And even less so lesbian rights for some reason. At college we have a wonderful gay teacher who everyone adores and maybe for that reason my class is ok with the idea that gay people do exist, but whenever the subject of lesbians comes up it's always a different matter. Well the boys don't mind of course but the girls are highly opposed. Am I even making sense?
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