(x) - You've done
( ) - You haven't done
(?) - Maybe / Uncertain / Yes and No
( ) Not cried at a funeral
(x) Said something awful about a person who was standing behind you
(x) Looked up porn on the internet
(x) Pretended to be not home when someone came to the door
( ) Keyed someone's car
(x) Failed an exam
(x) Been out of the state
( ) Been stung by a jellyfish
(x) Completed a video game
(x) Cut yourself on purpose
( ) Kept raffle money
(x) Had sex in an unusual place
(x) Told your parents you were at a friends house when you went to a party
( ) Kissed a friends bf/gf
(x) Had feelings for someone but never told them for over 5 months
( ) Had thrid-degree burns
( ) Shaved our arms
(x) Like rusty spoons? (haha)
( ) Been on a date with soemone you met on the interent
(x) Had an interstate relationship
(x) Threatened a teacher with death
(x) Stalked someone
( ) Been stalked
(x) Tryed to help the "freaky" person
( ) Been out of the country
(x) Walked to school
(x) Had a phone conversation over 4 hours
( ) Been engaged
(x) Said "I love you" seriously to a person not related or your friend
(x) Worn stockings
( ) Eaten a magget
(x) written a love letter to a crush
(x) Eaten play-dough
( ) Cheated on your partner
(x) Bought your 'other half' or friend soemthing really expensive
( ) Pierced any part of your body yourself
( ) Had teeth knocked out
( ) Seen snow (does include Mt Theb..lol)
( ) Had an STD
( ) Had photos taken of you while passed out
(x) Let your pet lick you (god that comes out wrong hey)
(x) Inhailed Heluim
(x) Read a whole series of books
(x) Been rejected by a crush
( ) Saved over a grand
(x) Won a trophy for sport
( ) One of your legs is longer than the other
( ) You have under ten really good friends
( ) Had a panic attack (a proper one)
(x) Set up a friend
( ) Quit school
( ) Kept something rented
(x) Given false personal details (includes fake ID)
( ) Had feelings for someone of the same sex
(x) Felt sick from guilt
(x) Are wanting to do something but don't have the guts to yet
- I have never been to a funeral.
- I'm not disrespectful enough to key someone's car or kiss their chick.
- Never again will I have a long-distance relationship. Once was enough.
- If by stalked you mean followed someone home, then yes.
- I always help out the freaky person, because I AM the freaky person.
- I only wore stockings for a drama role at school, don't get all freaked out.
- Who the fuck would eat a maggot? Even I haven't eaten one before.
- Mmm... playdough.
- I might have had photos taken of me passed out, but I haven't seen any.
- I always let my cats lick me when I pat them, otherwise they'd feel neglected.
- The trophy I won was a runner-up trophy for Roller Hockey, before it became known as in-line.
- If by 'set up a friend' you mean with a chick, then yeah.
- I tried to use an ID card one of my mates had before I turned 18 to buy a cone piece.