I have taken an instant high-ranking like to Sublime, which I had never heard before Phil Tonkin put it on in his car, but apparently they're pretty popular even though barely any of my mates have heard them. They're like Reggae/Jazzy, which is not something anyone would expect me to like, but I really like this CD (40 oz. To Freedom). I'll have to
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Comments 40
Err... Yeah... Still sorry about that. Once again, I blame being 13 or so at the time.
Hell yes. An RPG made together would own. I never really could figure out how to get a HUD to work on TGF... I figured it out and implemented it into Byond (so much easier, I assure you.) but couldn't do it with TGF. I think you explained it to me once, but I was like, "Wha?"
It's ok man, I've gotten over it. It was over 5 years ago and the game is nothing compared to my current standards anyway.
Making a HUD in TGF is easy peasy lemon squeezy. All you do is untick a box in the object properties that says "follow the playfield" and it will stick to the camera rather than scroll with the playfield. I love TGF.
proc/Update_Status(var/mob/M as mob)
for (var/obj/hud/health/H in M.client.screen)
H.icon_state = num2text(round(M.c_hp/M.m_hp,0.1)*100)
H.name = "[M.c_hp]/[M.m_mp]"
spawn (2)
if (M)
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
icon = 'healthbar.dmi'
screen_loc = "1,1"
icon_state = "100"
src.client.screen += new/obj/hud/health
i win! that beats EVERYONE else :P
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