(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 14:57

Time for another riveting sociological essay by yours truly :P

Today I read parts of Joseph Duncan’s blog. I’m not going to put the address on my journal for the simple reason that I don’t want every person who googles for his main site (not blog, but same word in the address) to hit my journal. Just google his name and you’ll find it. Anyway…

If you’re unfamiliar with who he is, he’s the guy that is accused of killing those people in Idaho and kidnapping a girl and her brother. The little girl was spotted in a Denny’s, her brother has yet to be found. At first I was just reading what was on the main page, what had not yet been archived. It’s weird, because you can sort of see it happening. You can see this person with some obviously troubled (and troubling) thoughts slowly but surely ‘losing it’. Then while I was at lunch, I dug a bit deeper and went back to the first entry. According to him, the entire reason that he started the blog was because the police came knocking on his door. It would seem that some neighborhood women had printed his picture off of the internet and were waving it around and complaining that he was harassing them. The police, he says, showed up to tell him they were ‘onto him’ and to stay away from the women. In the entry, he specifically states that he’s starting the blog in an effort to thwart any attempts to accuse him of any crimes by minutely documenting his movements and activities.

I find it ironic that the very thing he did to try and keep himself out of jail is probably going to be a major factor in seeing that he not only gets put there, but that he stays there.

There are roughly 1,000 comments on his last entry, made 3 days before the bodies of the family were found in their home and authorities realized the girl and her brother were missing. I don’t know how far down the list I got. There are time stamps but no numbers or anything and I don’t think I even got out of the first day. There’s a comment at least once a minute or every two. It starts with a couple of religious people telling him to ‘hang in there. Read your bible’ and quickly turns into a lynch mob. From there it degrades into trolls who know there are going to be many hits trying to be funny, someone pretending to be Tom Cruise, and some people trying to plug their own websites.

One person did make an interesting observation though. If he goes to trial, it will probably be one of the first cases where someone’s blog is going to play heavily in the course and outcome of the trial. Maybe it could even change history, like video tape or computer animation.

It’s really quite sad. The police knocked on his door a minimum of 4 times a year to verify he was still where he claimed to be. Yet no one thought to put him into mandatory counseling? They were right there on his doorstep to warn him to stay away from the women but when he was accused (and arrested) in Minnesota, they let him go without so much as a mandatory containment period to assess his threat potential. And now at least 3 people (and more than likely a 4th) are dead and one little girl will never be the same again.

He postured and made grand gestures for more than a year (on the blog at least) about how criminals are victims too and how society does not understand criminals and the things that make them offend. Why should the group bend to fit the will of the individual? Sure, the group can make room for the individual, but why should it also make concessions, exemptions, and rewire its very existence in an attempt to coddle those who choose to ignore its rules, it’s values, it’s morals? And don’t give me that shit about abuse either.

He tries to blame his own abuse as a child for his earlier crime. There are thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, of people out there who were abused and didn’t turn around and abuse or kill. I’m one of them. You know the difference between right and wrong. You chose to ignore it. You commit a crime. Then you want to whine because ‘society doesn’t understand’. To punish a criminal is to create crime?? How does that work exactly? I don’t believe in the lynch mob mentality that has taken over the comment section of his last post. I do agree though that he needs to be punished and hopefully the state where he committed his latest (and hopefully last) crime has the death penalty. I do not believe that sex offenders should ever be released back into society. Perhaps not a ‘prison’ in the historically envisioned sense of the word, but some sort of lifetime confinement. They should not be returned to the general population ever again. Rehabilitation for sex offenders is bullshit. There is no such thing. I truly believe in an eye for an eye, and when offenders commit their crime, they have in essence taken away something from their victim(s). Part of that person’s life is gone. Forever. I speak from experience here. There is a part of me that I know is not what it would be had I not been abused. In turn, offenders should never be allowed to rejoin the ‘group’. Part of me will forever be left out of the ‘general population’ because of what I experienced. Had my abuser been charged and convicted of his crimes, I would not want him put back out into the world. I would want him to experience the confinement that I am forever subjected to. So maybe not prison in the traditional sense of the word, but confinement none-the-less.

You feel that your privacy is being invaded? How do you think the privacy of your victim is holding up? You think that you are being hassled and harassed? How do you think your victim’s mental state is doing?

I’m going to just start babbling now I think and I didn’t want this to be a ‘rant’ or whatever. I just …hell I don’t know what I ‘just’. I guess I’m done.


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