Wanna Be Startin’ Sumpin’ *Grabs Crotch* Hee! Hee!

Apr 13, 2006 08:46

I guess some people are touchy…

My lil’ old journal has gotten a LOT of attention in the last 12 or so hours…well more like maybe 10…yah, 10 or so hours. Even though none of them had the balls (or maybe just the desire) to comment here, the insults and dumb cunts were flying left and right over at it2m.com last night. I had 60 notifications of comment responses in my email this morning. All in the space of about 2 or 3 hours.

It seems that I’m just a stupid whiny bitch because I didn’t like the review of my site that they did and chose to voice that opinion rather than sucking on my lower lip, drawing circles in the dirt with my toe, kissing ass and asking for The Almighty’s™ help in planning a redesign of this site. Oh…I’m sorry…did I bounce repeatedly with glee and joy on your ego by not saying “Oh please masah! Don’ whip me no mo! Teach me to be bettah!” but instead saying that what you did was complete and total bullshit? I have no regrets about anything that I said last night either with regard to your website, or my review of your review. I stand by all the comments I made both here and on your website. I think that everyone finds what you say funny as long as it isn’t directed at them and then toes feel stepped on. I mean seriously…I’m just somebody with a pos purple puke template, non-existent sidebar and boring content. Why do you give a rat’s ass what I think about your site anyway? Which you obviously do or else I would not have gotten 60 notifications in my email inbox from responses to my invitation to read my reply to your horseshit review.

You say that all I did was whine and complain and say “poor me!” when I read what you “wrote”. Well, what did you do when you read what I wrote? You bitched and complained and threw around the ‘C’ word quite liberally.

Hold a bad template against me? Fine…that’s fine. I may not have made it, but I chose it. I take responsibility for that.

Hold (in your opinion) boring content against me? Fine…that’s fine. I wrote it. Even though the link is there to view specific subject lines, and even though I found it despite the fact that I’m just a dumb whiny cunt who doesn’t know any better than to use LJ, you couldn’t be expected to be bothered to try and find other topics that might have been of interest to you seeing as the current subject matter was not.

But holding the fact that I happen to have my blog hosted at a site that you happen not to like against me? That’s just stupid. Plain and simple. “I don’t like your blog because, among other reasons, you have it located at a site I don’t like.” Uh…ok…so what has that got to do with MY blog? I know, I know…I should go to blogspot. Do you own stock there or something?

You say (as well as several others) in defense of your lazy ass review that you should not and will not be expected to dig through the archives sufficiently to find a post of interest. I could see that being a valid argument if you were just some nameless wanderer looking for sites of interest to read. But you’re NOT. You pretend to review blogs. You have thereby in effect given yourself a “title”. You’re not just the average person who makes a decision about a blog based on the first one or 2 posts. You’re supposed to be here to REVIEW THE FUCKING BLOG. If the blog only consisted of what was on page number one, ok fine…GREAT! Review page one. But there’s lots more than just one page. To say that you shouldn’t be expected to go through posts when you are REVIEWING something is not only stupid, it’s irresponsible. It would be like Ebert saying he was going to review a movie and only sitting through the opening credits. “The font was too small…I couldn’t read it. And the director’s name wasn’t very interesting. Isn’t everyone and their brother named ‘Smith’? I can’t be expected to sit through the rest of this piece of shit if the credits sucked this bad. I’m outta here!”

You say that there are no guarantees where your reviews are concerned. Ok…I totally get that. “Enter At Your Own Risk”. Totally fine. You also say you’re only using it for entertainment purposes and that it is a “Satire Blog Review Site™”. You say you aren’t getting paid for it so why should you do a good job. Well, I guess that sums up pretty fucking well what is wrong with this country. If you are going to pretend to provide a service for people, you should perform that service to the best of your ability, whether you’re getting paid or not is irrelevant. And ladies (and gentleman), you *are* providing a service. “Come in here! Ask us to review your blog! But don’t bitch about it if you don’t like what we say because we aren’t getting paid here and you asked us in the first place! We didn’t ask to review your site!”

Um…*coughBULLSHITcough*…If you are not asking for submissions, then why have the site at all. If someone submits their site for review, and you accept that submission, and they have to wait a month for that review, I think they are entitled to more than laziness, cheap shots (when not accompanied by genuine wit) and catch phrases.

One of the biggest defenses you used was that it was satire. Nowhere in your “Idiots” disclaimer page does your site claim to be satire. Is it satire when you give a good review? Should your visitors not take those seriously either? When you tell them to “GO NOW! READ IT NOW!” should they just peshaw you and go on to the next Boot To The Head™ so they have something to laugh about? You said that I should have read the site a little more thoroughly and dug through old posts to “get a fucking clue” and see that it’s satire. If you cannot be expected to “dig through old posts” to review my blog, why should I be expected to “dig through old posts” to see where you claim to be satirical? Just because I bitched about it? Well…you didn’t like my site, dig through the posts, otherwise don’t tell me it’s crap unless you’ve read everything you lazy, egomaniacal, holier-than-thou bunch of windbags.

I also find it so entertaining when people are so lacking in wit, intelligence and conversational skills that all they can muster when faced with criticism is to resort to name calling. I was faced with your criticism and what I came up with was a well written (as admitted by the original reviewer, MercilessMinx), thought out, and in my opinion witty retort. What I got for my efforts was a bag full of variations of the word ‘cunt’ and ‘ass’, a “cluex4™” and a barrage of insults about where I happen to host my site. I’m surprised you didn’t bring my mother into it.

I suddenly feel taller.

Please…please feel free to comment HERE…don’t run back to your own site and hold your grudge match there…or do both. Either way, I’m here to hear what you have to say, if you have anything at all to say that is.


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