What to do on 4th of July? Why, Thrifting of course ^_^ So, a bunch of us went to one of the many Goodwills we have on the island...one day I wanna go to them all XD
More amazing finds from Goodwill ^^ The 2 dresses & basket purse were found by my friends...hehe, they know my style already ;D But, I magically found the tea cup vest, carousel sweater, shoes & magazine holder w/ book motif on the spine XD And...as if i need more...I picked up a couple stuffed ponies...those stuffed animals are so evil...only 99 cents O_O
Then, we went to eat @ Big City Diners, where I got a short stack of plain pancakes...but they were HUGE...about the size of the place O_O hahaha, i couldn't eat 5 pieces XP
Then, when I got home, I had a package from my wonderful friend ^_^
A pretty blouse w/ butterflies XD Now i gotta figure out a coord w/ it...hmm... ;D
& speaking of coords, here's what I wore:
I got to wear my new octopus ring ^_^