Time for my tri-annual LJ update!
I've been busy drawing with my newish Intuous 3 tablet, and taking requests and blah blah blah.
Here's the most recent pic:
http://psytronic.deviantart.com/art/A-Formal-Occasion-Redux-123412487 Did this one for a poster print. If you'd like one, they're pretty cheap on Zazzle:
http://www.zazzle.com/a_formal_occasion_poster-228522314814651620 So, other than that I've picked up some new equipment to expedite the recording process, so hopefully I'll be able to drop some new tracks on you all soon. Got a Tapco micro-mixer and am ordering a midiNES cartridge. I know, I'm an awesome nerd, but I'm totally going to write music with my NES. None of you try to stop me, or I'll cut you.
Head count:
If anyone actually still uses LJ and reads this crap, comment this post.