I feel like a giddy teenager...

Nov 10, 2005 05:52

I'm sat at the stupid Imac computer here in Riptide studios writing this. And all I can say is I feel like a teenager... I might be twenty one but I still get the feeling I'm a teen who just found something new ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

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psykotropik November 10 2005, 16:52:35 UTC


minivempxxx November 10 2005, 14:54:09 UTC
Yay!! kittens smitten ^_^
go fourth and talk to the devy-lookiliky!


psykotropik November 10 2005, 16:54:10 UTC
I talk to the Devy look alike all the time. All we seem to talk about is Dev *laughs* He's about as obsessed as I am :)
Damn hot prog metal head boys, damn them all!


minivempxxx November 11 2005, 08:47:54 UTC
no no no, you must "speak" to him ;)


psykotropik November 11 2005, 14:32:37 UTC
*laughs* Ah yes... "speak" to him, of course...

too nervous


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psykotropik November 10 2005, 21:00:30 UTC
I'm too scared to pounce him incase he just stops talking to me.


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psykotropik November 11 2005, 01:17:40 UTC
I know I know... too nervous though. Maybe one day.


shadow_exe November 11 2005, 09:54:31 UTC
*applauds* Hurrah! Go get 'im, girl.


psykotropik November 11 2005, 14:31:30 UTC
This little kattan is just a little bit too shy...


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