Title: "In a Different Light"
Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke (The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays)
Status: Complete; one-shot.
Pairing: Aomine Daiki/Momoi Satsuki.
Rating: T.
Word Count: 4,390.
Summary: Why was it? Just a little while ago, there had been nothing there. And then suddenly, it was like he was a whole different person to her. It made her think
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Comments 2
This is my favourite bit:
“Then, I’d kiss you,” he told her, confidently, unabashedly. He straightened his back, standing upright again, never breaking eye contact while he moved. “With tongue,” he added with a mischievous glint in his gaze.
And of course the whole time he knows what's going on. Of course he does, Satsuki, you silly thing! I'd take him up on it, if I were her ;)
This is now my official head canon. Done.
Hehe, I'm glad you liked those lines. I actually spent an ungodly amount of time considering what the best reaction from Daiki in this situation would be. ;A; Glad you appreciate the outcome.
*clings forever again*
Just so you know - I was starting to feel rather down in the past couple of hours but your comments really made my evening, just as your writing genius made my day before that. I am so happy I have you. ;A; *clings and sobs*
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