Title: "Morning Call" Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke (The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays) Status: Complete; one-shot. Pairing: Aomine Daiki/Momoi Satsuki. Rating: T. Word Count: 2,758. Summary: Daiki had the perfect plan
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Though, in the part about breakfast, in my own personal headcanon, sometime down the line it's pretty certain that Satsuki will start getting to be a better cook. xD Of course, she will only be able to pull off dishes that she's practiced making numerous times but still :D For now, while she's still in high school, I like toying around with her inability to cook. It's sorta endearing, wouldn't you agree? xD
Comments 2
“How many times must I tell you stay out of the damn kitchen…? You know that this always happens,”
So much yes!
Such a cute little fic, I love it!
Though, in the part about breakfast, in my own personal headcanon, sometime down the line it's pretty certain that Satsuki will start getting to be a better cook. xD Of course, she will only be able to pull off dishes that she's practiced making numerous times but still :D For now, while she's still in high school, I like toying around with her inability to cook. It's sorta endearing, wouldn't you agree? xD
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