something I'm doing for a kinkme prompt, and also because I'm in need of a good wallpaper. this is new because I'm usually far too lazy to do lineart when I'm working digitally, and I also find that I really suck at drawing lineart that will tranlsate nicely into colour. normally I just jump straight into blocks of colour and start whittling them down.
I am exactly TWO FICS into bigbang, but to be fair they were both long, and one of them was derryere's, and I think after that I just couldn't take another epic fic that would completely break me like hers did. so I'm taking a break. X'D
ps. the prompt is "yakuza, tattoos necessary", so of course I had to go and look up what yakuza tattoos look like. and omfg. this:
made me cry with laughter, even though these are the kind of people who would not take kindly to being laughed at, and in fact would probably think of horribly torturous ways to kill me if I ever did. BUT OH GOD. THEY LOOK LIKE THEY'RE WEARING LONGJOHNS. HOW IS THAT NOT FUNNY?