Name: Arinare
Personal LJ:
tsukihimayContact Info: tsunderp at AIM,
arinare at plurk
Other Characters Played: N/A
Preferred Housing: N/A
Character Name: Cole Phelps
Character Series: L.A. Noire
Character Age: 27
Right here is the wikia. Spoiler warning! Personality: To start with, Cole is an extremely troubled man.
War changes a man, and Cole is no exception. Cole is traumatized
constantly by the memories of World War II, more specifically his time
on Sugar Loaf Hill. His experiences in the war caused him to notice a
lot of death and destruction. Getting past this side that is rarely
shown, on the outside Cole could be considered above average. He's what
one might call a 'straight shooter', and tact isn't one of his strongest
points. He's a firm advocate of justice and what's on the 'right' side
of the law, and is shown to be extremely disgusted by the Vice
department's involvement in drugs and fixed bets. Cole sees his work as a
police officer as a sort of self redemption for his actions during the
war, which is why he takes it much more seriously and honorably than
others. The term 'Protect and Serve' is absolutely perfect when it comes
to describing Cole, who is willing to dedicate every hour of every day
to the citizens of Los Angeles.
Throughout the game Cole is shown
to be extremely intelligent and even sometimes witty, responding with
tiny little quips when the situation is calmed and engaging in small
talk with his partners during the drives to different locations. Cole is
one of LAPD's finest Detectives, spotting extremely small details and
being able to ascertain the guilty from the innocent through simple
deduction of 'truth', 'doubt' and 'lie.' Cole constantly keeps a notepad
of all evidence during the case, which can also include witnesses and
locations. This shows a very thorough and patient side to Cole, though
there are signs that Cole can be impatient such as when it deals with
the life of a future victim. The recklessness and overconfidence shown
in the military are completely gone, mainly because Cole feels they are
the reason he messed up on the Hill. However, Cole still retains the
attitude of sticking strictly to the law/orders which can sometimes
cause him to butt heads with his partners who try to get him to be a bit
more relaxed and light-hearted.
Cole has also shown to have a
very good education, quoting Shakespeare and Percy Shelley from time to
time. The greatest example of this is when the Black Dahlia Killer
starts sending different lines from Shelley works to the LAPD in hopes
that someone smart would come along and decipher them; which is exactly
what Cole does. A few personality traits that are shown like a red dot
in a world full of black are Cole's sexual and racial views. Cole finds
sexism disgusting, racism landing in the same area. While he doesn't
attempt to stop any of his partners from their sexist or racist
comments, he doesn't join in on them either. Cole also shows a high
level of humility, acting as if his good deeds are nothing major. This
stems from the same reason Cole joined the Force in the first place; his
cowardice on Sugar Loaf Hill, though to go any more into this would be
spoiler material. The marriage between Cole and his wife also appears to
be strained due to the war, with Cole being both emotionally distant
and strained and at the same time focusing most of his time toward his
cases than with his wife.
All in all, Cole is a straight-arrow kind of guy.
Abilities: Cole has no extraordinary abilities, being a normal
human. Having served with the USMC in WW2, however, Cole has some
training from that. He's an expert marksman and hand-to-hand fighter. As
well, you could consider Cole's high intelligence, attention to detail
and intuition 'abilities' though they still fall under human
Sample Entry: [There's a click on the phone as Cole picks up the receiver.]
Phelps of the LAPD, Badge number 1247. It seems this town, 'Mayfield',
has it's own sense of oddity about it. I feel like I've been thrust into
one of Shakespeare's many plays. [There's a pause as Cole thinks for a moment before continuing.]
Are the names Ralph Dunn, Stefan Bekowsky or Rusty Galloway familiar to
anyone? These are men I've worked with in the past. My new partner was
also meant to be Roy Earle, if that sounds familiar.
the phone is hung up, you'll find Phelps downtown. There was no use in
just sitting around, so he decided he would scope things out a bit.
You'll see him holding a notepad and pencil, speaking to a drone.]
ma'am. My name is Cole Phelps, and I'm with the LAPD. I was wondering
if you'd be willing to answer some questions I have. [The conversation begins to go into a few questions Cole has about the area, but in his own interrogating way.]
[Later that night, Cole is once again found on the phone...]
From the information I have gathered today, it seems as if I'm trapped here. [A small audible grumble is heard, with the low words 'Which is just great...']
There's no use in just sitting around, cases wouldn't get solved if
that were the case. I'm willing to help out anyone who needs it, at
least until the situation is taken care of.