Kevin had his back to the doctor, but knew most people could read him. He didn't care. He hated working through the problems with his powers, but knew it'd only get worse if he didn't.
He turned around, eyes a bit sunken, hair scraggly and flopping in his face. He didn't even try to smile. It'd just turn into a snarl. "Evenin' Doc. Ain't nothin' happened t'night that I know of."
"I meant with you Kevin. You look like someone pulled you through a keyhole backwards." He was...a tad concerned about what he hadn't been playing attention to.
Probably an accurate description. He didn't know what he looked like. Josh had said he was presentable. Barely. Of course, neither one of them wanted a repeat of what had happened in the worlds they'd tracked the vampires through.
Instead he just shrugged. "Been a rough week or so. Ain't nothin' too bad, Doc. Few days o' sleep, an' I'll be fine."
Kate had been staying under Lorna's feet as much as Lorna would let her, but she had company now and that was AWKWARD and Kate had a bit of timidness around men that she couldn't quite explain. So she thought she'd hit the pub and see if Kevin was back yet
( ... )
Kevin saw her come in. Knew the vampires had left because of him, and didn't really give a damn. They'd better learn their place. If'n he heard of anyone he cared for dying again? Well, it wouldn't just be the perpetrators that got Hunted.
"Here. Blueberry shake." He slid it in front of her, but said no more.
She took the shake, smiling a bit subdued. "Thank you Kevin." He looked rough to her, and that bothered her some. She watched him, jumpy, but took a gulp of the shake. Ok, this was good.
Josh was shaking as he stumbled into the pub. His hair was matted to his head with sweat and blood. His X-Man uniform was also coated with blood. Not his, but in his mind it should have been.
He didn't even sit on a stool as he moved towards the bar, he just went and wrapped his arms around Kevin and hugged him.
"Kev..." He knew telling him wouldn't matter to him. But he has to say it. "Julian was nearly killed tonight... It was all I could do to even keep him alive."
Kevin knew the minute he'd touched the door. Some preternatural sense that told him just who had come in. Then he saw the blood.
"Jesus H. Christ."
Kevin heard the mutter and shot the person a dirty look.
"Josh..." He gently dragged him back into the kitchen. "Carlotta!" He literally barked. The kitchen was cleared instantaneously.
His powers didn't work, but he pushed the hair back off of Josh's head. Then he kissed Josh. "Is any of this yours?" His own worry was forgotten in seeing Josh stumbling around like that.
"No... It's his." He shook his head and leaned into Kevin's touch. "I tried, but I... I couldn't do anything for him." He felt like a complete moron putting this on Kevin. Especially after what they had just gone through.
Kevin felt himself relax and closed his eyes. As long as none of it was Josh's, he could deal with the rest. He pulled Josh against him, wrapping his arms around him tight. Kevin knew damned well that without Josh, he would've done some really stupid things when hunting the vampires. "Ain't yer fault." He whispered. "Ain't yer fault."
He needed Josh to remember that.
"Why d'ya keep goin' back?" He'd never questioned before. Never asked. Now he had to know. "Ya jus' get hurt, an'..." Kevin closed his eyes, holding onto Josh. "One o' these times, ya ain't gonna make it back here, Josh. An' then who's gonna tell me how stupid I am, huh?"
Comments 68
After getting a beer and settling in, he took a good look at Kevin, some what surprised. "Kevin, did something happen?"
He turned around, eyes a bit sunken, hair scraggly and flopping in his face. He didn't even try to smile. It'd just turn into a snarl. "Evenin' Doc. Ain't nothin' happened t'night that I know of."
Instead he just shrugged. "Been a rough week or so. Ain't nothin' too bad, Doc. Few days o' sleep, an' I'll be fine."
"Here. Blueberry shake." He slid it in front of her, but said no more.
He didn't even sit on a stool as he moved towards the bar, he just went and wrapped his arms around Kevin and hugged him.
"Kev..." He knew telling him wouldn't matter to him. But he has to say it. "Julian was nearly killed tonight... It was all I could do to even keep him alive."
"Jesus H. Christ."
Kevin heard the mutter and shot the person a dirty look.
"Josh..." He gently dragged him back into the kitchen. "Carlotta!" He literally barked. The kitchen was cleared instantaneously.
His powers didn't work, but he pushed the hair back off of Josh's head. Then he kissed Josh. "Is any of this yours?" His own worry was forgotten in seeing Josh stumbling around like that.
He needed Josh to remember that.
"Why d'ya keep goin' back?" He'd never questioned before. Never asked. Now he had to know. "Ya jus' get hurt, an'..." Kevin closed his eyes, holding onto Josh. "One o' these times, ya ain't gonna make it back here, Josh. An' then who's gonna tell me how stupid I am, huh?"
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