(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 22:13

So, this is the first of two updates; This is actually a special edition, so, it is only segmented. Try and follow along, though...

September 11, 2001. Not to sound like some sort of cliche, but it truly is a day that will live in infamy. The largest terrorist attack on home soil. Ever. Period. Do NOT begin by comparing this to the Federal Building bombing in Okalahoma, or even Pearl Harbor. For a number of reasons. Pearl Harbor involved the deaths of military personnel. Not civilians. Not people just trying to make a living. All american citizens who joined the cause, or were drafted into the military. Either way, they knew full well their lives were in danger, however, the people working in those buildings, and the people on those planes were just living their lives. But then, some Islamic Extremists, not just innocent muslim people *we'll touch on this later* took it upon themselves to spit in the face of this country, and one man took the helm and held us together, George W. Bush.

Nobody EVER said a bad word about the man back then. The fumes from the controversial election were dying down, and the president had a solid 60-something percent approval rating, and then we were attacked. Through him, our PRESIDENT, our nation felt a sense of unity. No politcal affiliations, no racial differences *apart from those mentioned later* could break us apart. Want to see my proof?

FACT: President Bush's Approval Rating Post 9-11 reached a staggering height, NEVER BEFORE SEEN of: 90%

That's right, kids. The President had the approval of 90% of the country. That had never been done. Want to know the second highest? HIS FATHER, with 89% in 1991 during the Gulf War crisis. What does this mean? It means that people are just looking for reasons to hate things, and people, while at the same time maintaining their hypocrisy. Peace not War, but let's talk shit about Republicans, because we're fucking ignorant teenagers who think we know everything. Let's call ourselves liberals, because we're 18 and can vote, and want to go against the wave. NO WAR FOR OIL, MAN!!! Come on...WAR unites and ignites our patriotism, regardless of what you think. If these morons would've been running our country during our war against England for our Independance, it wouldn't have bode well for us. "No, let's not fight. We love opression!!!" And then they beat their anti-war drums claiming that Republicans want more fuel for this war, and want to re-instate the draft for more soldiers.

FACT: "Those who love this country have a patriotic obligation to defend this country. For those who say the poor fight better, I say give the rich a chance," said Democratic representative Charles Rangel in January 2003, when he and Democratic senator Fritz Hollings introduced a bill for a universal military draft.

Wait. Those dicks who wanted a draft are....DEMOCRATS?!?! NO WAY!!!! Those traitors must secretly be republicans in disguise, no? Wrong. You think so blindly because it is what the liberals want you to do. The fact of the matter is this; For 225 years this country has run itself on a few principles, Life, Liberty and the Persuit of HAppiness. How close during the 40's were we from having Hitlet become the Dictator of THE WORLD?

FACT: If Hitler had played his cards just a bit differently, contends the author -- a professor of Modern European History at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California -- he could have won the war. German forces came very close to defeating the Soviet Union in 1941. Because Britain alone posed no mortal threat to German power, the defeat of Soviet Russia would effectively have ended the war, resulting in German hegemony over all of Europe. The result would have been a drastic change in the course of world history. (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v15/v15n6p38_Bishop.html)

So, had we NOT jumped into the war, Germany was very close to developing an Atom Bomb, and thus, would've undoubtedly taken over Europe, and made their way here. War saved us, as it had in the past. I'm not saying some wars are dumb, and we've been trounced a few times as well, but sometimes war is inevitable. Saddam was a madman who needed to be taken down. Realistically, it was probably Delta Force wh oswung in for the capture, but since that organization has more security around it than the last 43 presidents combined, they let the military hold the victory. Regardless of if he had WMDs or not, he did have them. He once used chemical weapons ON HIS OWN PEOPLE. That'd be like Bush deciding he hates Detroit, and dropping a huge Anthrax spray on us. Wouldn't we want him gone, too? I would examine the other side of this, but it has been done so many times before it'd be more of a waste, as I am here to give you the side you do NOT hear. Thanks to Mr. Michael Moore. Mister "Let's block Republican Propaganda by using DEMOCRATIC PROPAGANDA!!! YEAH!" That fat bastard is so ignorant, and uses things to his advantage. If you looked into anything this idiot says, then you'd see how full of shit he is. Propaganda works both ways. Just don't accept everything anyone says for absolute truth. Unless they're me, because I provide real facts. I even provide weblinks ^_^

Think REPUBLICANS are all bad? This is the official Republican Oath taken from the gop.com site...

I'm a Republican Because...

I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.

I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.

I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.

I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

Credit: http://www.gop.com/News/Read.aspx?ID=4324

Just because some old farts hate gay people and stuff, doesn't mean all of us do. I safely call myself a republican, but I am not a hatemonger of any kind. I am open minded, and accepting. I have homosexual friends, and they're wonderful, and deserve all the happiness entitled to heterosexuals. There are a lot of democrats who oppose gay marriage as well, John Kerry did, until he was told by an advisor thqat agreeing to "Civil Unions" would help boost his vote from the gay community.

John Kerry. Yeah, him, remember? Mr. Flip-Flop. He had interviews before he announced his intentions to go after the Democratic nomination for President. He said we needed to give all the money and support to the war in Iraq that we needed, until he won. He said a lot of things, and then flip-flopped his choices to "win" the debates. What a turd sandwich.

Didn't I keep promising you something earlier? Ah yes, my final real big point...

I am sick of hearing "towel head" "sand nigger" and other vulgar terms like this. People racially profile Islamic people because some extremists decided to hijack some planes. Most of these people just want to go ahead and live their lives here, FREE OF THE OPRESSION THEY LEFT BEHIND. But what do they get? They get mistreated as well. They are berated by "Americans" who are afraid of a lot of things.

I guess what I am trying to say is; stop hating. Please. No matter what, we're all the same. Some of us have different ideals, but we all have emotions. We all try to make a living. Kids our age want to move out, have good jobs, goto college and the like. People older than us want families. Older people want to retire. We all want to be happy. And yet, there is always someone standing there trying to hate you. No matter who you are, there will be someone who hates you. Because you're too smart, too fat, gay, a different religion, etc. Just be accepting of one another, and stop spreading such useless hate. Because if we keep going this way, we'll never get along long enough to save the world we're destroying day by day. It'll take a cumulative effort of all peoples, all over the world, to come together and save it.

As hokey as that sounds, it's my opinion. All of this was. If you don't agree, fine, if you do, cool. Either way, thanks for reading...

This has been a Public Outcry,

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