Happy 2009 to everyone of my friends! (>WI hope the new year had a good start for you. I had some problems with my left kidney and stomach on Christmas but it eventually improved on New Year's Eve
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For anyone worried about it, I'm sorry I can't be on MSN during this week, but I'm staying at my boyfriend's ^^ I'm still checking my flist from time to time, even if I don't comment www I hope everyone is doing fine! x_X Also Tsu-chan and Pyon-chan, good luck on your exams! (>w<)/
Some weeks ago I received a new room! I took photos from it days ago, but I forgot to upload them here orz. So today I'm spamming your f-list with pictures of the lovely new bedroom I have to share with my youngest sister I'm quite fond of.
I couldn't think I could get any better than thiiiiiis~ After totally shocking me with episode 7, Sunrise apologized for all the rage they made me spit with this episode. It was so awesome and also a bit random orz.
H&M, a clothing store that sells over Europe, has released its new fall collection! Which was designed by a Japanese stylist from "Comme des garçons", and an item struck my attention... This lolita-ish onepiece... @A@!!
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Lately I've feeling like drawing again. ^^ I remembered I didn't draw anything about my RO characters (except for my priestess), so I tried my hand at Venice. ww