Last week, we calculated what would happen to the vapor pressure of butane inside a lighter, were you to throw it into a fire. Conclusion: perhaps the warning label isn't sufficient. DON'T
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I was about to say that I was looking forward to seeing how the Gates transform the park, next time we're there, but then I read about the dissection kit and thought about how small and not-fast my baby is.
Everything can be Art. Art is subjective. Try explaining that to an eleven-year-old boy with no interest. We went to the American Visionary Art Museum here last weekend (avec Dopers) and I had to explain how even though he thought it was just a piece of wood, others looked at it as art.
But you are apparently doing them a disservice by calling their stuff Art. It isn't, according to them. Which just sets off my bullshit artiste alarm bells like nothing else.
I would tell the 11-year-old boy that if he thinks it is pretty, it is art. If others think it is pretty, it is art. Like bands - the ones we hate are still musicians, and others even manage to like them!
It does all hurt, that's for sure. And they can express themselves as they wish, obviously. I happen to personally not understand the drooling that's going on over it.
And don't worry about baby - I'd just coo and tickle his dimples.
I saw a segment about these artists and The Gates on 60 Minutes on Sunday night. I cannot understand the hype. But then I'm highly cynical about "modern art".
It isn't art! Oh man, what the hell does that even mean. Maybe like you, I'm too cynical about "modern art" to even fathom how you could call something like that "not art."
Sphygmomanometer, maybe? You're a doctor, maybe you should learn the names for these thingies. "OMG! Mr. Jones is crashing! Quick, give him some adrenaline with that tube thingie that has the point on the end!"
I dunno... I always had a recurring dream of Dr Nick in the operation room singing, the the arm bone connected to the thingy, the thingy connected to the whutzit, the whatzit conected to the doodad...
The good news about throwing a butane lighter into a fire is the plastic melts before you get a huge explosion and the fireball is neat. So I've heard. No, really! *I've* never done it. And *I* wasn't the one who prompted my brother to do it in Boy Scouts either. No matter WHAT you've heard.
The blood pressure thingie: Even doctoers, real doctors with degrees and stuff, just call it "the blood pressure thingy". Or "cuff". "The blood pressure cuff" if there are people around since "thingy" isn't generally recognised medical jargon. But in an emergency "We need to know this guy's blood pressure! Get the thingy!" would work just fine.
Not that there's giant explosions or anything, but if you eat foil wrapped chocloate by the fire and throw the foil in, the flames turn pretty colors. Little Dove Easter eggs worked best since they had the most color on the foil.
Comments 31
Everything can be Art. Art is subjective. Try explaining that to an eleven-year-old boy with no interest. We went to the American Visionary Art Museum here last weekend (avec Dopers) and I had to explain how even though he thought it was just a piece of wood, others looked at it as art.
It hurt my brain.
I would tell the 11-year-old boy that if he thinks it is pretty, it is art. If others think it is pretty, it is art. Like bands - the ones we hate are still musicians, and others even manage to like them!
It does all hurt, that's for sure. And they can express themselves as they wish, obviously. I happen to personally not understand the drooling that's going on over it.
And don't worry about baby - I'd just coo and tickle his dimples.
It's big. It's flash. It's stupid. What's not to understand?
Did they sound very artistey on 60 minutes?
he blood pressure arm pump thingie
Sphygmomanometer, maybe? You're a doctor, maybe you should learn the names for these thingies. "OMG! Mr. Jones is crashing! Quick, give him some adrenaline with that tube thingie that has the point on the end!"
Thanks, though - my bio 100 book didn't deign to use all those letters either.
So, how does the pumpy egg on a tube thingy work?
The blood pressure thingie: Even doctoers, real doctors with degrees and stuff, just call it "the blood pressure thingy". Or "cuff". "The blood pressure cuff" if there are people around since "thingy" isn't generally recognised medical jargon. But in an emergency "We need to know this guy's blood pressure! Get the thingy!" would work just fine.
You know what? Campfire Season is coming up soon.
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