10 Random thoughts from the Memorial Day Weekend

May 30, 2006 09:34

1. "XMen 3: The Last Stand" was actually pretty good. Jean Grey was a pretty nifty super-villan. It was entertaining. I've read some reviews that were less than complimentary, but I pose the question: What do you expect from a movie based on comics about Mutant Superheroes-Supervillans? The ending totally left it open for a fourth movie. Oh, and stay after the credits for a bonus scene. (It's better than the Pirates of the Caribbean bonus scene. Speaking of POTC, Xmen has a great preview for it.)

2. I think Sean Bean is quite attractive in that rugged manly way. Having said that, I saw "North Country" on Saturday (it's very good) and in said movie, Sean Bean's character is married to Frances McDormand's character. In real life, FD would never get a guy like SB. Everyone knows that unless you look like Charlize Theron, you aren't gettin' the hotties. Having said THAT, I feel I should be exempt from this rule and should get all the hot men I want.

3. While out wandering downtown Portland yesterday with Lexy, I pissed off a Scientologist. We walked around a corner and I saw a sign that said Church of Scientology. I tell Lexy: "We should go to the Church of Scientology.....We could be losers." This girl walking in front of us turns around and looks at us. I then say: "They're all crazy." At which point the girl says "They're not crazy!" (very bitchy-like) and walks into the "Church" (if you can call a place that believes in aliens and the High-Lord Xenu a "church"). Good times. Everyone should try this some day. And for the record: They are crazy.

4. I bought a great shirt at Fossil with Lexy yesterday. It shows two bears from behind embracing and says "Arms are for hugging." If anyone embodies this idea, it is surely me.

5. I don't think my dog is on the verge of death anymore -- I found her eating kitty poo yesterday. The evidence was all over her face.

6. Eureka Towers is an awesome apartment complex in Melbourne, Australia. I want to live there. I told my mom I was going to move there permanently (hey! It's a better country than America!) and she was like "I know." And I will have a hot rich husband and all will be grand.

7. I bought the box set "Mummy" collection because, well, I've watched my copies so many times they have been destroyed. And I noticed after I got home it came with "The Scorpion King." Ha. Fantastic. God I own some weird movies.

8. I am going to become bulimic or anorexic. I haven't decided which yet. But its looking like that'll be the only way I lose any weight.

9. That Dove "glow" lotion (or whatever) is some good shit, although I believe it works more quickly on me thanks to my (un-natural) pastyness. I have a lovely light tan now. Yay.

10. I never have to answer phones at OMSI AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

** I had the worst night of sleep EVER last night. Woke up every damn half hour. Gar.
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