Title: Slow Burn (9/9) Author: pucks09 Rating: PG-13ish Length: 2,000 Summary: A detailing of the torturous events leading up to a first gay romance. The angst, the denial, the boobs. Note: It was time to bring this one to a close.
Aww, but fluff is awesome! Although having said that, I seem to be incapable of writing fluff without porn, so kudos to you for managing to keep them separate! This is adorable and I just loved the wrap.
I loved this story and my love of it ratcheted up like ten thousand points when you mentioned the XX, because they're AWESOME. I mean, obviously. But seriously, this was a really great story :D Sad it's over.
Comments 16
On to the porn!!!!!!
I really enjoyed this story. Especially the last couple chapters, how you let those two grow into each other.
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